1 E arly I ntervention P rojects Los Angeles County Steven J. Golightly, Director Lisa M. Garrett, Chief Deputy Lisa M. Garrett, Chief Deputy
2 PROJECT OVERVIEW Objective Strategies Required resources Process Outcomes Next Steps
PILOT LOCATION Palmdale Division 24,000 cases 63 Staff members 26 Case workers 17 clerical staff
5 OBJECTIVES Pre-judgment: Pre-judgment: Obtain an accurate child support order by engaging the NCP in the establishment process Obtain an accurate child support order by engaging the NCP in the establishment process Reduce the number of default judgments Reduce the number of default judgments Post judgment: Post judgment: Facilitate regular and timely payments Facilitate regular and timely payments Reduce the accrual of arrearages Reduce the accrual of arrearages
6 PRE-JUDGMENT STRATEGY 1 E arly Contact Call Center direct call routing to assigned Palmdale case worker Call Center direct call routing to assigned Palmdale case worker Early intervention phone call to the NCP as early as possible after summons and complaint is served, and before default entered Early intervention phone call to the NCP as early as possible after summons and complaint is served, and before default entered
7 PRE-JUDGMENT STRATEGY 2 Frequent & Continuing Contact Directed efforts to engage dialog with the NCP via telephone contacts, letters and in-office visits: Directed efforts to engage dialog with the NCP via telephone contacts, letters and in-office visits: Each communication explains: Each communication explains: Paternity/support process Paternity/support process Rights to free genetic testing Rights to free genetic testing Importance of accurate income reporting Importance of accurate income reporting I&E workshops offered by CSSD I&E workshops offered by CSSD In-office stipulation process In-office stipulation process
8 PRE-JUDGMENT STRATEGY 3 Decisive Contact Build relationship and trust by designating a specific worker to handle case Build relationship and trust by designating a specific worker to handle case Seize every opportunity to appropriately stipulate to paternity and support Seize every opportunity to appropriately stipulate to paternity and support
9 RESOURCES Staffing: Staffing: Caseworkers 24 Caseworkers 24 Clerical staff 1 Clerical staff 1 Materials Materials Locate tools Locate tools Mailings Mailings Case assignment matrix Case assignment matrix
10 PRELIMINARY OUTCOMES Pre-pilot Baseline Pre-pilot Baseline Between Dec – Jul Palmdale averaged 12.5 stipulated judgments per month. Between Dec – Jul Palmdale averaged 12.5 stipulated judgments per month. Post-pilot Implementation Post-pilot Implementation Between Aug – Nov.2008 Palmdale averaged 23.3 (86%) stipulated judgments per month Between Aug – Nov.2008 Palmdale averaged 23.3 (86%) stipulated judgments per month With post-CSE conversion period added (Aug – Feb. 2009), the average number of stipulated judgments was 17.7 (41%) With post-CSE conversion period added (Aug – Feb. 2009), the average number of stipulated judgments was 17.7 (41%)
11 POST JUDGMENT STRATEGY 1 Case Ownership Case Ownership Paradigm shift from case worker specialization to full case ownership and accountability Paradigm shift from case worker specialization to full case ownership and accountability Each CSO: Each CSO: assigned a caseload assigned a caseload required to conduct all interviews and case management duties associated with the case required to conduct all interviews and case management duties associated with the case Staff Attorneys Staff Attorneys partnered with case management teams partnered with case management teams Assigned top 120 arrears cases to establish payment plans and obtain payments on arrears Assigned top 120 arrears cases to establish payment plans and obtain payments on arrears
POST JUDGMENT STRATEGY 2 Case Segmentation Cases are segmented based on paying status and customized enforcement Pay Status (90-day or 12-month cycle): Sometimes Pay Never Pay Always Pay Database built to monitor and track progress
14 OBJECTIVE Reduce account delinquency Reduce account delinquency Increase the number of cases in which the NCP makes a payment towards arrears Increase the number of cases in which the NCP makes a payment towards arrears Identify cases eligible for a modification, closure, COAP, or other appropriate action Identify cases eligible for a modification, closure, COAP, or other appropriate action Avoid criminal prosecution process Avoid criminal prosecution process
15 STRATEGY 1 THE LETTER Developed and mailed “stern warning letter” to NCPs: Developed and mailed “stern warning letter” to NCPs: Warned that failure to abide by court order may result in contempt filing, fine and/or jail time; Warned that failure to abide by court order may result in contempt filing, fine and/or jail time; Set court appointment to discuss case and payments; and Set court appointment to discuss case and payments; and Advised to “be prepared to make a payment” Advised to “be prepared to make a payment”
16 STRATEGY 2 Refer Where Appropriate During court appointment, case is reviewed for appropriate action including modification, closure, COAP, etc… During court appointment, case is reviewed for appropriate action including modification, closure, COAP, etc… Collaboration with the Family Law Facilitator to expedite the filing of civil modifications Collaboration with the Family Law Facilitator to expedite the filing of civil modifications
17 STRATEGY 3 Monitor and Take Action Monitor payment agreements for ongoing compliance Monitor payment agreements for ongoing compliance Assess impact of modifications and case closings on the “denominator” Assess impact of modifications and case closings on the “denominator” Review for referral to CPD if: Review for referral to CPD if: NCP failed to appear for interview NCP failed to appear for interview NCP fails to comply with payment agreement NCP fails to comply with payment agreement
18 STRATEGY 3 Monitor and Take Action Supervising case worker identifies all cases in which NCPs failed to keep appointments Supervising case worker identifies all cases in which NCPs failed to keep appointments Case workers review and work up files for contempt referral to the Criminal Prosecution Division Case workers review and work up files for contempt referral to the Criminal Prosecution Division
19 RESOURCES ARS Lists ARS Lists Developed ARS-list of cases with no payment for at least 3 consecutive months and NCP living in L.A. County Developed ARS-list of cases with no payment for at least 3 consecutive months and NCP living in L.A. County Narrowed list to eliminate cases transferred in CSE to other divisions or where NCP shown to be aided (GR, SSI, etc.) Narrowed list to eliminate cases transferred in CSE to other divisions or where NCP shown to be aided (GR, SSI, etc.)
20 RESOURCES Pilot Staff 1 supervisor 1 supervisor Oversees mailing of letters; develops/maintains logs; and reviews criminal referrals Oversees mailing of letters; develops/maintains logs; and reviews criminal referrals 6 case workers to vet lists 6 case workers to vet lists 3 civil attorneys (each court day) to conduct court interviews 3 civil attorneys (each court day) to conduct court interviews 3 case workers to monitor cases for post-interview compliance and possible criminal referral 3 case workers to monitor cases for post-interview compliance and possible criminal referral
21 PRELIMINARY OUTCOMES As of Friday, March 6: 140 interviews scheduled; 140 interviews scheduled; 40 interviews kept (28.6% of 140); 40 interviews kept (28.6% of 140); 22 payments* made (55% of 40); 22 payments* made (55% of 40); 24 modification referrals (60% of 40). 24 modification referrals (60% of 40). * Payments at court totaled $5,045, ranging from $5 up to $1,000; * Payments at court totaled $5,045, ranging from $5 up to $1,000; average payment - $229
22 OUTCOMES (cont’d) 3 cases identified for closing: 3 cases identified for closing: 2 at CP request (prompted by invitation letter to NCP); 2 at CP request (prompted by invitation letter to NCP); 1 based on attorney review of information in file and on CSE. 1 based on attorney review of information in file and on CSE. 2 new employers identified 2 new employers identified
23 Success in Early Intervention Success in Early Intervention “Success does not come to those who wait…and it does not wait for anyone to come to it.” Unknown Author