1. Do you think school rules are important and explain why or why not. 2. Why do you think we have school rules? 3. Imagine a school without rules, how do you think that school would operate? 4. If someone breaks the rules, how should that person be punished? No, you do not copy the questions. Stay in your seat. Raise your hand and wait for me to call on you. Work quietly – I want your ideas.
1 three ring binder 1 1/2 inches Notebook paper to put in the binder Dividers to put in the binder 1 box of tissue The binder will stay in class. You will need to bring a pen or pencil every day to class
Line up against the outside wall – shoulder to the wall – face the front – I.D. around your neck – shirt tucked in, correct clothing. Enter the room quietly- no running and chasing, yelling, hitting,kicking,grabbing. Pick up your notebook, sit down in your assigned seat and begin your Bell work. Once you come into the room, you may not leave unless you ask permission. If you leave and come in late, you will sign the tardy log. No Exceptions!!
If you forgot or lost your pen or pencil – you may borrow one from me in exchange for an ID. I will keep a record of the number of times you need to borrow supplies from me. After 3 times in one week, I will call your parents. If it continues, you will receive a lunch detention. Sit in your assigned seat. Do not move or trade places with another student. If there is a problem,write a note to me and give it to me after class or see me before school.
Write down three rules/procedures that we discussed yesterday. I want your ideas only- not your neighbor’s- do not discuss. You have 5 minutes.
STAY IN YOUR SEAT!!!!!!! Do not get up to get tissue, sharpen your pencil, throw trash away, ask to go to the restroom, nurse, office, or another teacher’s room, make a phone call. Raise your hand at the appropriate time without calling my name and wait for me to respond to you!
Do not yell out comments. Do not raise your hand while I am talking. Listen! If you have a question, raise your hand when I am done presenting. No tapping or beating!
Class work, if assigned, is usually due at the end of class completed. Therefore, you do not have time to talk. Do not yell out comments. Stay in your seat. Raise your hand without calling my name and wait for me to respond to you if you have questions. Class work will count in the grade book!
No Chewing gum, eating candy and food and drinking in class unless I said it was ok.
No cell phones out or headphones or earphones- DISD policy.
Fire Drill Tornado Drill Lockdown
I will stop class 1-2 minutes before the bell rings. At this time, you will get your ID’s back for the pen/pencil that you borrowed. All trash around your desk needs to be picked up. I will either assign someone to walk around the class with the trash can or I’ll come by. I will dismiss rows first that are seated and quiet. You will walk out of the class room- You do not run, push, or shove.
1 st time – verbal warning 2 nd time – lunch detention/phone call home 3 rd time – office referral