ESDS Resources for BCS Users Vanessa Higgins ESDS Government Centre for Census and Survey Research University of Manchester
ESDS Government ESDS began in Jan 03 Comprises 4 specialist services –ESDS Government –ESDS Longitudinal –ESDS Qualidata –ESDS International ESDS Government provides access and user support for key large-scale government surveys such as Labour Force Survey, Expenditure and Food Survey, British Crime Survey, Scottish Crime Survey Access remains via the UKDA
Survey pages
External resources and links at dataset level
Guiding new users through...
What do our users use the data for? 2 online searchable databases: Current Usage: Registration information records the research use to which data is put. We share registration information on our web site if the user permits Publications: Users are requested to inform ESDS of publications, but we also harvest information from the ISI WOK bibliographic database
Teaching datasets Cut-down data for teaching 2000 data – core sample Excludes boosts Includes weights for individual and household analysis 55 variables User guide
Statistical guides SPSS STATA Weighting Analysis over time (forthcoming)
Themed Guides Employment and labour market Health Social capital Ethnicity Data Sources in Scotland Data Sources in Northern Ireland
Help-desk 250+ Queries in the last year Range of different ranges of complexity: –How do I get access to the BCS? –Which weight should I use? –What level of geography can I get? –Why does my analysis show high levels of missing data? –The documentation says variable X is in the data but I cant find it Help desk involves collaboration with UKDA, HO, ONS, NatCen etc
Outreach events Introductory workshops Joint workshops with other ESDS services Methods Research conferences Dataset user groups Other presentations Posters
Keeping in touch Website contains news & information about consultations/data developments JISCmail esds-govsurveys list Newsletter –Biannual (June and Dec) –Available on website or hard copy –Contains Survey news from ONS etc New ESDS resources Summaries of meetings/hot topics Focus on researchers
The important last slide… Helpdesk: (0161) Website: Jisc list: