Melinda Grier, Director of Legal Resources, National Association of College and University Attorneys Bill Mullowney, Vice President for Policy and General Counsel, Valencia College Renee Richard, Vice President and General Counsel, Cuyahoga Community College David Baime, Sr. Vice President of Government Relations and Policy Analysis, AACC (Moderator) 1
2 Title IX — 1972 Dear Colleague Letters ⁻2001 Revised Sexual Harassment Guidance ⁻2010 Harassment and Bullying ⁻2011 Sexual Violence Questions and Answers – April 2014 Campus SaVE Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, amending the Clery Act – March 2013 Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking Final Regulations – November 2014 White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault Presidential Memorandum – January 2014 Not Alone – The First Report April 2014 Sample Documents - Ongoing Campus Accountability and Safety Act (S. 590) Adds Title IX and Clery Act reporting requirements Introduced by Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) 15 original, bipartisan cosponsors (25 total)
What community college characteristics are most relevant when determining policy in this area? How should they affect policy outcomes? What has experience with laws and policies already on the books taught us as additional legislation is considered (CASA)? 3
Five Principal Issue Areas: ◦ Additional Clery Act Requirements ◦ MOUs With Local Law Enforcement Agencies ◦ Confidential Advisors ◦ Campus Surveys ◦ Large Fines What are the concerns in each of these areas? What parts of CASA appear helpful? 4
Briefing the Board Review of Staffing, Policies and Procedures Review of Services and Programs Training Outside Constituents 5
A Board is to “remain informed about institutional issues and the challenges confronting higher education.” AGB Statement on Board Accountability (January 17, 2007) 6 Background information on institutional prevention and response programming Briefing on context Confidentiality and sharing of information Protocols when something happens
Has the institution devoted appropriate resources to the Title IX Coordinator function? Is the institution properly training its various constituencies? Has the institution implemented policies that protect both students? Does the institution’s process ensure that all parties receive fair treatment and adequate support? How often is the institution reviewing its policy and who is responsible for doing so? Have the institution’s efforts been effective? 7
Title IX coordinator(s) identified and publicized with adequate resources Policies – Title IX and Clery Response to reports of sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking that consider all those involved Grievance, conduct and disciplinary procedures are fair, prompt and equitable Confidentiality and access to information Monitoring results and procedures 8
Student services Residence life Law enforcement Support services & interim measures Faculty and staff Health, counseling and pastoral services Coordination and roles 9
Employees ⁻“Responsible Employees” ⁻“Campus Security Authorities” ⁻“Investigators”/“Officials conducting discipline” ⁻Employees likely to hear of or receive complaints ⁻Training for all other employees Students ⁻Freshmen & new students ⁻Returning students ⁻Social groups, teams, student organization ⁻Culturally relevant and responsive to campus culture 10
Parents Media Alumni Community Public Officials Advocacy Groups 11