Health Survey for England Data - Use in NHS Salford Public Health Kuiama Thompson April 2010
How NHS Salford has used Health Survey for England Data Provide estimates of population levels of need for services –Hypertension Prevalence –Obesity Prevalence –Alcohol Consumption
Modelled Hypertension Prevalence at Practice Level First modelled in 2008 using Doncaster Public Health Intelligence Unit Model All practices significantly under diagnosing patients Presented to GPs at PBC Cluster Meetings
Hypertension Prevalence Funnel Plot
Hypertension Prevalence Bar Chart
Possible Reasons for Significant Differences Model uses HSE data which is a one off BP reading GPs do not code Grade 1 hypertensives Patients with Grade 2 hypertension are not being diagnosed High prevalence of hypertensive patients not being measured
Hypertension Prevalence Excluding Grade 1 Extracted data from HSE Data items used – –Valid BP Reading –Age & Age Band –Gender –Deprivation Quintile –Prescribed drugs for BP –Omron systolic & diastolic BP Readings
Hypertension Prevalence Excluding Grade 1 Included only BP readings > 160/100 or prescribed drugs for BP Counted hypertensive participants and calculated prevalence by age band, gender & deprivation quintile No significant differences for deprivation Applied prevalence by age band & gender to practice populations
Hypertension Prevalence Bar Chart Excluding Grade 1
Issues Using HSE Data Ensuring data from different years could be analysed collectively Understanding which variables to use Trawling through lists of variables and their descriptions MethodBox will simplify use
Any Questions?