Preparing Project Recommendations For Town Meeting or City Council
Preparing Project Recommendations 1.Who writes the first draft? Municipal official, legal staff or CPC 2.Reserve placeholders on warrant 3.Finalize text of each warrant article/ordinance (devil is in the details!) 4. Prepare motion for each recommendation 5. CPC vote on each recommendation
Recommend to Legislative Body (Once per fiscal year) (Once per fiscal year) Required reserves: 10% housing reserve 10% historic reserve 10% open space reserve Optional reserves: Up to 5% for administrative expenses Budgeted reserve Specific projects (anytime throughout fiscal year)
Sample Once-a-year Recommendation (Boxford Housekeeping Article) ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or reserve from the Community Preservation Fund annual revenues in the amounts recommended by the Community Preservation Committee for committee administrative expenses, debt service, community preservation projects and other expenses in fiscal year 2008, with each item to be considered a separate appropriation:
Appropriations: From FY2008 estimated revenues for Sawyer-Richardson Open Space Bond expense: $260,156 From FY2008 estimated revenues for Committee Administrative Expenses: $ 45,000
Reserves: From FY 2008 estimated revenues for Historic Resources Reserve: $90,000 From FY 2008 estimated revenues for Community Housing Reserve: $90,000 From FY 2008 estimated revenues for Open Space Reserve: $90,000 Budgeted Reserve: $450,000 or take any other action thereon. Sponsored by the Community Preservation Committee Finance Committee recommends adoption of this article
Boxford Project Article ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $53,500 from the Historic Resources Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund to fund Phase I of the Boxford Town Clerk’s project for preservation of historic town records by restoring, preserving and microfilming said town records, including a computerized document management system; said funds to be expended under the direction of the Community Preservation Committee; or take any other action thereon. Sponsored by the Community Preservation Committee Finance Committee recommends adoption of this article Capital Budgeting Committee Recommendation: “A” Essential
Recommendation Style 1.Multiple CPA warrant articles (each project has its own warrant article or ordinance) 2.One CPA warrant article (all projects together in one warrant article or ordinance; each is a separate appropriation) 3. Combination of both of above
Source of Funds Don’t forget to specify the SOURCE of funds: 10% Reserve accounts (housing/historic/open space) 2.Next year’s anticipated revenue 3.Budgeted reserve 4.Fund balance (left over from previous year) 5.Any combination of above!
Legislative Body Actions are limited! Approve recommendations of CPC Reject recommendations of CPC Reduce amount recommended by CPC Reserve amount recommended by CPC to applicable reserve account, rather than approving the project
Administrative Account Up to 5% of estimated revenues (local surcharge plus state match) Good idea to reserve full amount For CPC expenses only, not other municipal departments Unspent balance returned to undesignated fund at end of FY
Administrative Account Common Uses Hire minutes secretary Hire administrative help Professional help: Appraisals, consultants, legal assistance, general studies (historic inventory, etc) Newspaper ads for public hearing Misc. expenses
Funds Availability: Prior to tax rate being set Estimated annual fund revenues from current fiscal year (local surcharge and state match) Certified fund balance from end of prior fiscal year 10% reserve accounts (housing, open space and historic) Bonding against future revenue stream
Funds Availability: After tax rate is set Same as before tax rate is set EXCEPT…. Fund revenues from current fiscal year are available ONLY if placed in budgeted reserve prior to tax rate being set
Determining Project Eligibility It’s all about the VERBS! Open Space HistoricRecreationHousing AcquireYes Yes (New!) CreateYes- PreserveYes Support---Yes Rehabilitate and/or Restore Yes – if acquired or created w/CPA $$ Yes Yes – if acquired or created w/CPA $$