Principles of Design Organization of elements that work together to give unity Making a design is like making a cake. The Elements are the ingredients. The directions for mixing them together are the Principles.
Balance The way the elements of art are arranged to create a feeling of stability Asymmetrical- (informal balance) the two sides of a work of art are not exactly the same, but are still visually balanced Use: color, shape, line, space
Symmetrical Balance: (formal balance) parts on both sides are the same
parts radiate from the center in all direction Radial Balance parts radiate from the center in all direction
This composition is OK… but might be more interesting with asymmetrical balance.
All Parts of a work of art are interrelated, repeated, balanced, and organized to achieve a quality of oneness Use: Color, Shape, Form, texture Unity
Variety Variety and unity work together to keep the piece interesting yet function as a whole An artist creates variety through the used of different lines types, colors & shapes
Movement This can either be actual motion or it can be implied — the arrangement of the parts of an image to create a sense of motion by using lines, shapes, forms, and textures that cause the eye to move over the work
Emphasis Emphasis Accent, stress, or importance placed on a part of a piece of artwork Use: Color, Shape, Line, Texture, Value (repeating an idea creates emphasis)
Using a tool can create focus Emphasis Using a tool can create focus
Rhythm Regular repetition of lines, shapes, or colors that create a movement. Patterns have rhythm
a difference between objects in line, shape, value color or texture Contrast a difference between objects in line, shape, value color or texture
relationship of one part to another or to the whole with respect to size, quantity, or degree; a ratio .Proportion must be on target or purposely off. Proportion
BALANCE, UNITY, EMPHASIS, MOVEMENT, RHYTHM, CONTRAST, PROPORTION Can you use the principles of design to critique this artwork? Sandy Skoglund: Radioactive Cats, 1980 BALANCE, UNITY, EMPHASIS, MOVEMENT, RHYTHM, CONTRAST, PROPORTION