Saugerties Central School District Redistricting Proposal October 2005
What is redistricting?
Why redistrict? Comments made to me during interviews regarding overcrowding Comments made during Bond Campaign regarding imbalance Board’s directive to review these situations and come up with recommendations
Process Hiring of consultant and review of recommendations Internal review of student loads, class sizes, overcrowding impact, educational disadvantage
Benefits of Smaller Schools
Assuring educational equity for all students / equalized class sizes More intense hands on by key personnel—teachers, principal, social worker, nurse, etc., leading to increased achievement / test scores
Improved school climate—less overcrowding, smaller cafeteria periods, playground More positive social behavior Fewer discipline issues Stronger relationships—student to student, student to staff, school to community Easier to build a sense of community Easier to build a sense of belonging Less intimidating More effective crowd control
Ability of principal to have more time to spend in classroom, with teachers, with parents, on planning, etc.
Ability to better utilize school resources—library, gym station, cafeteria, custodial and maintenance issues Facilities better utilized and wear and tear equally distributed—parking areas, cafeteria, copying equipment, and technology equipment
The experience of a new school, new friends, teachers—students learn how to deal with change and new environment
Possible Negative Effects Trauma created by parents discussing their negative feelings about the move in front of their children Short term dislocation due to new environment. Kids are very resilient.
Comparison of Schools
Key Statistics for Saugerties
Grade Level Enrollment K Cahill Grant D. Morse Riccardi Mt. Marion
Building Enrollment CahillGrant D. Morse RiccardiMt. Marion
Balance School Enrollment Current Imbalance Projected Imbalance Cahill / Grant D. Morse Riccardi / Mt. Marion
Transportation Issues
Timeline August 2005—Report of Consultant to Board of Education September 2005—Recommendations presented to Board of Education October 2005—Presentations and Public Input November/ December 2005— Recommendations finalized; Board of Education votes Spring 2006—Planning and transition activities September 2006—New plan in place
Move approximately 65 students from Cahill to Morse Move approximately 45 students from Riccardi to Mt. Marion Current 5 th graders have option to remain in current school or move to new school with siblings
Current District Transportation Configuration
Cahill/Morse Proposed Changes
Riccardi/Mt. Marion Proposed Changes