ISD 622 ECFE Power Grant Project Earth Day Carnival and Non Hazardous Household Cleaner
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
Goal #1: To Teach ECFE parents and their children how to reduce waste and fun ways to recycle We used everyday household items to create classroom developmentally appropriate activities that focus on school readiness. Pictured above: using metal lids to match colors.
How to find everyday household items and make them into new and fun activities Take home ideas of fun ways families can recycle together How to reduce waste at home and on the go Why reducing, reusing and recycling is important Reducing waste, Recycling and Reusing helps our Earth and it is FUN!! Families Learned:
Sound Matching Reusing boxes and milk cartons by adding items into them and having your child guess which two boxes hold the same items/
Indoor Games Recycled GolfRecycled Bowling
Family Fun Earth Day Carnival
Tricia and The Toonies Puppet show –taught children the importance of keeping our Earth clean Fun carnival games using reused and recycled household items – fishing pond, bowling, golfing, and ring toss Arts and crafts using recycled materials – newspaper hats, and paper beads Pudding dirt cake snack Earth Day Carnival:
Tricia and the Toonies
Carnival Games
Arts and Crafts Newspaper hatsBeading with paper beads
Goal #2: To teach ECFE families about household hazardous wastes. We taught our ECFE parents about how to properly identify household hazardous wastes, how to correctly read labels, to keep children safe from household cleaners and how to make a non-toxic household cleaner.
Creating Non-Toxic Household Cleaner
How to read labels and correctly identify toxins How to child-proof homes to keep children safe from toxic household items How to safely dispose of your toxic cleaners and supplies Environmentally safe options to use in your home Parents learned:
Happy Parents