Going the extra mile Presented by Chris Deery Head of ICT June 2012 Should Landlords invest in Broadband infrastructure? – A cautionary tale
Going the extra mile What we wanted to achieve? Ability to provide free or low-cost Broadband to high-rise residents Provide free or low-cost computers to high-rise residents Give initial priority to families with school aged children Provide basic training to enable people to get started Provide help to people to get a job Help people with literacy and financial inclusion Encourage small and medium sized companies to move into the area
Going the extra mile Now for the technology Transmitter on Roof
Going the extra mile How much do we try to control what tenants access ISP
Going the extra mile How do we support technical enquires
Going the extra mile How do we provide training Excellence in the community
Going the extra mile 3 rd March 2009 Award Ceremony
Going the extra mile Users willing to pay Fircroft House Existing Users TitleInitialsSurnameNumber MrSButler3 MrGAnderson4 MissCWestwood6 MsSBlackwell7 MrGSmall12 MissSBraid22 MsPShaliba26 MrMSmith34 MissAJavid37 MrsCPalmer39 MissLWilkie42 MissAMartin56 Mr & MrsMCooper63 New Users MissLHarris41 MissSJGaynor53 MrsMMay57 MrWHetherington65 Bangor House Existing Users TitleInitialsSurnameNumber MissVBaldry4 MissKOliver5 MrKWitten10 MrKProsser12 MissLStone23 MissKDearn32 MrAHanufi39 MrLBraid40 MrMStaien42 MrAStewart71 New Users MrHPaneser2 MissTJones25 MrLWright35 MissKJeynes68 MrCField69 MrLBlewitt82
Going the extra mile Additional Issues Tenants in Arrears Contract Length Voids Process New Tenants
Going the extra mile What happened next 4 th October 2010 – “CI-Net has been acquired by MDNX I am writing to inform you that the shareholders of CI-Net have completed the sale of the entire issued share capital to MDNX Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of MDNX Group Limited). Your services will continue to be provided as normal.”
Going the extra mile What happened next 3 rd February “The Powerline equipment, including modems and the in-building wireless equipment including Zyxel wireless network points were provided on a sale only basis. Ci-Net had responsibility for installing the in-building gateways and undertaking the initial configuration and despatch of the end user powerline modems. Further as mentioned in my letter of the 6th January, it is not possible to put support arrangements in place due to the Manufacturer’s withdrawal of the products. Bearing in mind the above, MDNX will accept and action support calls relating to the RedKite equipment and backhaul infrastructure. Regretfully however we are unable to support issues arising from the in-building equipment, including end user connectivity.”
Going the extra mile Where we are now Around 66% of tenants have broadband at home. Focusing our efforts on encouraging tenants to use on-line services. Educating tenants about the Digital by Default nature of universal credit. Using newsletter to point tenants to national schemes like the £98 recycled PC program supported by Martha Lane Fox.