Orchard Palace Wedding Planner
Presented by: Samiara Hoque Greg Sobanja Aaron Blevins Godwin Mariadason
Contact Information 611 Baronridge Dr. Seabrook, TX Phone: PLAN Fax: Website:
Business Background We are located in Seabrook Area Provide multi-cultural wedding Offer fast and organized services for engaged couples Affordable wedding packages for different priced budgets
Business Needs Incorporate database to keep track of accounts payable & Receivable Monitor appointments and arrangements Maintain log delivery of final products Keep track of customer information Keep track of contracts and consumer needs
Value Added Using Information Technology will help to build world-wide business Create reports for decision-making process Protection of customer financial privacy Working with financial issues
Issues & Constraints Sustain low employee turnover Keeping to schedule commitments organized on time Maintain customer base year round Continue to provide low and competitive prices
Entities Customer Designer Food/Cake Location Invoice Payment
Entities CustomerEventLocationInvoicePayment Customer IDEvent IdLocation IdInvoice IdPayment ID Last NameFloral Package# AddressInvoice AmountTotal Amount First NameDateCityDateAmount Paid AddressFood/ Cake Package PaidAmount Due Contact #Food typeDate Paid Pymt. Type
Logical Design Location Requires Event Makes Customer Invoice Makes Customer Makes Payments 1 M M
Physical Design Customer (Customer Id, LastName, FirstName, Address, Contact #) Event(Event Id, Floral Package #, Food/Cake, Food Type, Date) Location(Location Id, Address, City) Invoice (Invoice Id, Invoice Amount, Date, Paid) Payments (Payment Id, Total Amount, Amount Paid, Amount Due, Date Paid, PaymentType)
Entity Relationship
Database Tables
Customer Form