1 Library Skills Workshop for BUS110 Lingnan University Library Sep
2 Library Exercise Exercise must be submitted online Deadline: 22 Sep (Tue) Questions are about skills with finding items in the Library catalogue and some basics in using online databases
3 Library Catalogue Library Catalogue is accessed via the home page of the Library at Use author or title search if you know the author / title of the book or the journal Author search – type SURNAME and then Given Names or Initials (e.g. enter Austen, Jane instead of Jane Austen)
Library Catalogue: finding items on your reading list HINTS: the Library Catalogue can only be searched by book author, book title, journal title, etc. Therefore, article titles, title and author of a chapter in the book usually are not searchable Example: You are asked to read the followings: 1. Michel Oksenberg, “Will China Democratize?” Journal of Democracy, 9:1, Jan. 1998: Ren Yue, “China’s Perceived Image of the United States: Its sources and impact,” in Peter Koehn and Joseph Cheng, eds., The Outlook for U.S.- China Relations Following the Summits: Chinese and American Perspectives on Security, Trade, and Cultural Exchanges. HK: Chinese UP, 1999:
5 Search article title “Will China Democratize” has NO MATCHES Example: Michel Oksenberg, “Will China Democratize?” Journal of Democracy, 9:1, Jan. 1998:27-34.
6 Need to Search for the Journal title “Journal of Democracy” instead Example: Michel Oksenberg, “Will China Democratize?” Journal of Democracy, 9:1, Jan. 1998:27-34.
7 Search Chapter Title “China’s Perceived Image of the United States” has NO MATCHES Example: Ren Yue, “China’s Perceived Image of the United States: Its sources and impact,” in Peter Koehn and Joseph Cheng, eds., The Outlook for U.S.- China Relations Following the Summits: Chinese and American Perspectives on Security, Trade, and Cultural Exchanges. HK: Chinese UP, 1999:
8 Need to search for the Book title “The Outlook for U.S. – China …” instead Example: Ren Yue, “China’s Perceived Image of the United States: Its sources and impact,” in Peter Koehn and Joseph Cheng, eds., The Outlook for U.S.- China Relations Following the Summits: Chinese and American Perspectives on Security, Trade, and Cultural Exchanges. HK: Chinese UP, 1999: This is CHAPTER in a BOOK
Course Reserve 9
10 Library Catalogue If we need to find something about a topic but we do not know the author or title, then use Keyword / Phrase Search or Subject Search E.g. I want something about romantic poetry. Try: Keyword Search – romantic poetry Keyword Search – romantic* and poet* (the * means insert anything here – e.g. poet* can mean poet / poets / poetry / poetic, etc.) Keyword Search – “romantic poetry”
11 Boolean Operators Using AND / OR / AND NOT Try it yourself using Keyword Search: tom cruise brad pitt tom cruise and brad pitt tom cruise or brad pitt tom cruise and not brad pitt brad pitt and not tom cruise
12 Keyword / Phrase Search or Subject Search Keyword / Phrase Search: look for words or phrases appearing anywhere in Title, Author, Subject or Notes fields Subject Search: look for phrases appearing in the Subject field E.g. try (a) search da vinci as keyword; (b) search da vinci as subject
13 Narrow Down Your Results Narrow down by Add more keywords using AND (e.g. tom cruise and brad pitt) Specify where the keywords should appear (e.g. da vinci as title words? da vinci as subject words? da vinci as author words?) Add more restrictions by collection sets, date, language, material types, shelving location, etc.
14 Under Keyword / Phrase Search, you can Limit Results to Chinese or English; Books or Journals; Special Material Types; Between certain Years; Sorting Orders and More …
15 HKALL HKALL = Hong Kong Academic Library Link ( 香港高校圖書聯網 ) allows you to request for books not available at Lingnan but available at HKU, CUHK, HKUST, PolyU, CityU, HKBU or HKIEd -- delivered to Lingnan normally within 3 working days HKALL
16 HKALL Request NEED 3 THINGS: 1.Name 2.Barcode 3.PIN
17 Search Library Catalogue or Electronic Databases? Library Catalogue Allows you to find out what items are available from Lingnan – do we have this book / this journal / this dictionary / this biography / this encyclopedia? If so, where is it located and how to get it? But it only has information about the book or the journal or the dictionary as a whole; it does not immediately show you the definition of a word, the full text itself or the statistical data itself. Electronic Databases Different Databases provides information at different levels. Depending on whether it is a full text database or bibliographic index database, it will provides the article level information, table of contents and often the full content (e.g. the article itself, the definition of a word, the photograph itself, a piece of statistical data, etc.)
18 Using Electronic Databases Key Databases ProQuest, Ebscohost, Wisenews, Factiva, LexisNexis, 中國期刊網 Find Databases by Subject, Types, Keyword Searches Webbridge: Linking up Library-paid Databases and Full-text Contents
19 1-Search Allows you to Search Many Databases at the Same Time
20 Demo Searching for Journal Articles ProQuest Databases EBSCOhost Databases Searching for News Stories Wisenews and WiseSearch How to browse by HK Newspaper Categories? How to search with WiseSearch?
21 Getting Help General Enquiries Integrated Helpdesk at Information Commons (1/F, Library) Tel: Ask A Librarian (Electronic Reference) Library Contacts FAQ estions_About_the_Library estions_About_the_Library User Guides
Q & A Thank You! 22