6 th Grade Math Mrs. Parks Room 24
Classroom Rules BE PREPARED and bring materials BE RESPECTFUL to others and their property BE PRODUCTIVE during class Consequences: Non-verbal then Verbal warning Parent notification/Office Referral Detention/Suspension
Materials Pencils Highlighter Lose binder paper Dark colored dry erase markers/eraser (low odor)
Weighted Grading System 50% Progress Assessments 40% Class/homework 10% Other
Percentage Grading Scale A+= % A= 94-97% A-= 90-93% B+= 87-89% B= 84-86% B-= 80-83% C+= 77-79% C= 74-76% C-= 70-73% D+= 65-69% D= 60-64% D-= 55-59% F = 0-54%
Assignments In-class assignments are graded daily, based upon participation and accuracy. Notebook-All math students are required to maintain an organized spiral bound notebook. Homework- given as practice and to show knowledge learned in class. Progress assessments/tests are given regularly. Incomplete/Late/Missing assignments will negatively affect the student’s grade.
Assignments Students must show all of their work to receive full credit for assignments. (work is to be shown in spiral) All math assignments must be completed in pencil.
Procedures Daily Routines Agenda Board Learning Objective Homework Board Multiplication Chart (timed) Curriculum-McDougal/Holt
Procedures Class work (Homework & Practice workbook) Homework (Review for Mastery workbook) Senteo (student response system)
Content Algebraic Reasoning Patterns and Relationships Solving Equations Integers Understanding Integers Applying Integers Number Theory and Fractions Number Theory Understanding Fractions
Content Operations with Rational Numbers Adding and Subtracting Fractions Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Operations with Decimals Geometric Figures Lines and Angles Polygons
Content Measurement and Geometry Perimeter, Circumference and Area Volume and Surface Area Multi-Step Equations and Inequalities Preview for 7 th grade