Welcome to Valley View September 5, 2013
What is Continuous Classroom Improvement (CCI)
3 4 th Period Math Learning Goal By the end of the school year, 100% of us will meet or exceed 6th grade math standards as measured by a score of 75% or better on the District Math Benchmark Test and the State Math Assessment that we will take in May. 3 rd Grade Math Improvement Wall The mission of the members of the 4 th period math class is to work together as a team to grow and learn as problem solvers so that we will be prepared for the future. 3 rd Grade Math Standards I can………………………. I. SETTING AND COMMUNICATING DIRECTION
© Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc Rev. July PLAN Our learning target for this week: Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software. Our measure of proficiency: A score of 80 or better out of 100 points on Friday’s Quick Quiz means we understand congruence and similarity. DO Strategy of the Week: - Learning Teams Miss. B... Demonstrate using models. Give us several examples. Let us work in teams. Students... Sort/classify numbers in scientific notation with those in standard notation. Create a Frayer Model for scientific notation. Create a team ACE to check for understanding of scientific notation. + Strengths of our learning cycle ∆ Changes we need to make next week · The examples helped. · We really like working in teams. · Miss T’s explanations were very complete · It was fun using the hula hoops to sort and classify numbers! · We need create some guidelines for how to work better as a team. · Miss T needs to keep the examples simple! · Didn’t get the Frayer thing OUR ACTION PLAN We studied our results for 9/1 to 9/5. _ _We improved.____ We did not improve. In the next learning cycle our teacher will: Let us work with her to develop a rubric for good learning team work. Keep her explanations short, sweet, simple and to the point! Give us another chance at the Frayer Model. In the next learning cycle students will: Ask questions when we don’t understand something Use the team rubric. II. ENGAGING STUDENTS IN REGULAR AND FREQUENT EVALUATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF LEARNING PROCESSES
OUR LEARNING REQUIREMENTS OUR CLASS MISSION PROGRESS TOWARD OUR CLASS GOALS REGULAR AND FREQUENT CYCLES OF LEARNING PROCESS IMPROVEMENT PLAN What’s our learning target? What do we plan to learn in this cycle that will get us closer to achieving our learning goal? DO What will we do to learn it? What high-yield strategies and supporting activities will we use? STUDY What does the study of our end-of-cycle results tell us about how well our strategies worked? ACT What actions or adjustments did the study of our results suggest that we need to take in what we do to learn next “week’s” target? Last week This week … Next week 5 OUR CLASS LEARNING GOAL OUR CLASS LEARNING GOAL
Continuous Classroom Improvement clarity engagement communication continuous improvement