Let’s get acquainted!
Do people... when they get acquainted? Model | greet each other greet each otherO^O tell their names tell their namesO^O tell their surnames tell their surnamesO^O tell their addresses tell their addressesO^O give their telephone numbers give their telephone numbersO^O tell their ages tell their agesO^O speak about their jobs speak about their jobsO^O tell about their marital status tell about their marital statusO^O show their credit cards show their credit cardsO^O tell about their family tell about their familyO^O mention the place they are from mention the place they are fromO^O speak about their income speak about their incomeO^O tell the history of the family tell the history of the familyO^O tell their plans for future tell their plans for futureO^O tell about their interests tell about their interestsO^O ask about the price of another person's suit ask about the price of another person's suitO^O
Ask each other questions: What’s your name and surname? How old are you? Where are you from? What’s your town /village famous for? What are you interested in? Do you go in for sport? What’s your favourite activity? Who would you like to become ?Why?
Say sentences that are true for you at the moment: 1.I/wearing a jacket. I’m not wearing a jacket, I’m wearing a sweater. 2.I/wearing jeans. 3.I/standing up. 4.I/looking out of the window. 5.It/raining.6.Teacher/writing. 7.We/working hard. 8.I/chewing gum/.
Oliver is at Monica’s party, but he doesn’t know anyone. Monica is telling him about the other guests. Listen and write the names Harry Mandy Fiona George Roz and Sam
Give a 2-minute talk on friends. Remember to say: If you have a lot of friends; What qualities you look for in a friend; If you value your friends (why/why not); What you usually do with your friends.