David Arbogast Nancy Ciarniello Elisabeth Godfrey Demetra Jones Western Local Schools and Princeton City Schools A Comparison and Analysis
Princeton City Schools Western Local Schools
District Demographics: Race
District Demographics: Student Populations
District Demographics: ADM & Square Mileage
District Demographics: Teachers & Administrators
Expenditures Per Pupil
Local Revenues Western Local 11% from local sources Assessed property valuation per pupil only $45K Low income, home values One mill = $45/pupil; $37,000 total Limited fiscal capacity Princeton Diminished TPP revenue Bond millage decrease Local share increase One mill = $348/pupil Income tax Alumni, community support
Federal, State, Categorical Western Local SFSF Special Education Title I School Improvement Grant Princeton SFSF Special Education Special Ed. Preschool
Use of Funds Western Local Pupil/teacher ratio Building Operation Expenses Teacher Salaries Reduce Staff Utilities / Maintenance Princeton Pupil/teacher ratio Building Operation Expenses Teacher Salaries Reduce Staff Utilities / Maintenance
Coalition for Equity & Adequacy Western Local Charter Member for 21 years Low wealth district Coalition of Rural and Appalachian Schools Princeton Never a member of Coalition for Equity & Adequacy
State Foundation Level Changes Western Local Increases state contribution by $2.3 million Reduces local burden Princeton Affects property tax allocation Do not support this change Assuming foundation level increases to $7,750 and charge-off eliminated
Evidenced Based Model Western Local EBM designed to meet the needs of the district Special Education Targeted Poverty Indicators Princeton Guarantee district 98% funding Special Education No significant change
10% Reduction in State Revenues Western Local State Revenues = 66% of revenue $737/pupil loss; $611K for district Cash shortfall two years sooner than projected Princeton State Revenues = 6% of revenue Direct reimbursement of $18 million declining Minimal impact
Challenges – 5 Years Western Local Elimination of TPP SFSF Stimulus funds Flat real estate market 11% increase in expenses Cash shortfall of $2.5 million in FY2015 Princeton Elimination of TPP Restricted Grants in Aid cut TPP decrease of $14 million Additional local support
Conclusions / Recommendations Western Local Fund Raising Grant Writing Emergency Plan Lobby Legislators Coalition Membership Tell the Story Increase Achievement Princeton Contract transportation services Manage extra- curricular activities Contract cafeteria Consolidate classes Maintain excellent rating