Denial-of-Service Flooding Detection in Anonymity Networks Computer Networks & Communications Group Institute for IT-Security and Security Law University of Passau Germany Performance Measurement and Management for Two-Level Optimization of Networks and Peer-to-Peer Applications (GR/S69009/01) Network of Excellence: Design and Engineering of the Future Generation Internet (IST ) Jens Oberender Melanie Volkamer Hermann de Meer MonAM 2007 LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France 5. November 2007
Attacks in Anonymity Networks Chaum’s Mixer A sender remains anonymous, if an adversary catches no evidence on sender identity How to protect receivers from anonymous flooding attacks? 1. Enable traffic flow detection DoS attack detection 2. Prevent anonymity breach protect sender identity Message Tagging DoS Flooding Detection in Anonymity Networks2
Linkability Continuum Two messages are linkable by an adversary, if evidence on their relation can be provided. Pseudonyms –Adversary links all messages malicious profiling Unobservability +Observer cannot link any messages together Limited Linkability Restricted number of linkable messages Enables traffic flow clustering DoS Flooding Detection in Anonymity Networks3 1 NoneLifelong #Messages per Profile Message Linkability Limited
Attacker Model Security Objectives 1. Limited linkability 2. Linkability resistant to malicious influence DoS Flooding Detection in Anonymity Networks4 Privacy Adversary Aim: disclose sender anonymity Observe incoming tags Collude with other DoS engines Message Flooding Attacker Aim: Denial-of-Service Exhausts victim resources DoS Mitigation Adversary Access Control Attacker Anonymity Network Access Control Adversary Receiver Access Control Adversary Receiver Assumptions Anonymity Network unbroken Access Control Entity trusted by sender & receivers
Message tagging Fast, local traffic flow cluster criteria Hash from characteristic strings (key derivation function) Values not comparable with fresh salt Linkability control Tag properties Sender differentiate senders Receiverdisables cross-server profiling Time Framedisables lifelong linkability DoS Flooding Detection in Anonymity Networks5
Internal vs. External Tags Anonymity Attack using external tags Collude to learn anonymous paths Proposed internal Message Tagging Tags reside within encrypted channel DoS Flooding Detection in Anonymity Networks6
Clustering of Anonymous Traffic Flows Anonymous Messages Header data stripped off, application level analysis needed Message tags enable flow clustering Clusters of [ Sender, ] at Engine Detection frames cluster partial message flows Arrival rate DoS Flooding Detection in Anonymity Networks7
Clustering of time-based Tags DoS Flooding Detection in Anonymity Networks8
Scalability Issues Clock skew in distributed systems misuse degrades linkability Access control entity Counts messages per sender Logarithm effects on tag DoS Flooding Detection in Anonymity Networks9 Traffic flow classification Arrival rate per message tag Activity profiling
Sender Linkability Scales with message volume Depends on arrival rate towards each receiver Message tags collisions Flow splitting increases linkability Incentive mechanism Strategic players’ goal: maximize privacy Inoffensive communication encouraged DoS Flooding Detection in Anonymity Networks10
Multiple sender identities Equivalent to DDoS No defense against attacks from different sender identities, but… Example BotNets Anonymity for attacker only Proxy functionality Yet these don’t spy SMTP authentication Anonymity networks No need to operate a BotNet Anonymous attacks using real identity Hard-to-detect without add-ons Benefits the privacy of the broad public! DoS Flooding Detection in Anonymity Networks11
Conclusions Partial traffic flows Ability to detect Anonymous DoS Flooding Attacks state-of-the-art techniques applicable Sender Anonymity maintained Sender Privacy Defense of cross-server profiling Restricted amount of message linkable Arrival Rate Linkability DoS Flooding Detection in Anonymity Networks12 Jens Oberender