ICHEP06, 29 July 2006, Moscow RDIG The Russian Grid for LHC physics analysis V.A. Ilyin, SINP MSU V.V. Korenkov, JINR A.A. Soldatov, RRC KI LCG.


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Presentation transcript:

ICHEP06, 29 July 2006, Moscow RDIG The Russian Grid for LHC physics analysis V.A. Ilyin, SINP MSU V.V. Korenkov, JINR A.A. Soldatov, RRC KI LCG

V.A. Ilyin, V.V. Korenkov and A.A. Soldatov ICHEP06, Moscow, 29 July 2006 MONARC project regional group LHC Computing Model CERN Tier3 physics department    Desktop Germany UK France Italy CERN Tier1 USA Tier1 The opportunity of Grid technology Tier2 Uni a Lab c Uni n Lab m Lab b Uni b Uni y Uni x Russia T2 Cluster LCG

V.A. Ilyin, V.V. Korenkov and A.A. Soldatov ICHEP06, Moscow, 29 July Gbps MSS ГБ/сек Data analysis (interactive, chgaotic …) Analysis Object Data (AOD) Event Summary Data (ESD) Raw data Reconstruction MC AOD for phys.channels Data after on-line and first reconstruction passes Data after on-line and first reconstruction passes ~100 Mbyte/s ~2-5 PByte/year thousend physicists 200 TByte/year PByte/y 200MByte/s Russia T2 facilities LCG

V.A. Ilyin, V.V. Korenkov and A.A. Soldatov ICHEP06, Moscow, 29 July 2006 RuTier2 Cluster RuTier2 Cluster Conception: Cluster of institutional computing centers with Tier2 functionality operating for all four experiments - ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Basic functions: analysis; simulations; users data support plus some Tier1 functions Participating institutes: Moscow RRC KI, SINP MSU, ITEP, LPI, MEPhI… Moscow region JINR, IHEP, INR RAS St.Petersburg PNPI, SPbSU Novosibirsk BINP … LCG

V.A. Ilyin, V.V. Korenkov and A.A. Soldatov ICHEP06, Moscow, 29 July 2006 WLCG MoU Some T1s (latest improved figures) RuTier corrections due to the budget reduction: no

V.A. Ilyin, V.V. Korenkov and A.A. Soldatov ICHEP06, Moscow, 29 July 2006 Running job profile 2450 jobs ALICE In 2006

V.A. Ilyin, V.V. Korenkov and A.A. Soldatov ICHEP06, Moscow, 29 July 2006 RuTier2 in the World-Wide Grid RuTier2 Computing Facilities is operated by Russian Data-Intensive Grid (RDIG), we are creating as Russian segment of the European grid infrastructure EGEE RuTier2 sites (institutes) are RDIG-EGEE Resource Centers Basic grid services are provided by SINP MSU, RRC KI and JINR Regional Certificate Authority and security are supported by RRC KI Operational functions are provided by IHEP, PNPI and JINR User support - ITEP WLCG MoU:

V.A. Ilyin, V.V. Korenkov and A.A. Soldatov ICHEP06, Moscow, 29 July 2006 EGEE: > 180 sites, 40 countries > CPUs, ~ 5 PB data

V.A. Ilyin, V.V. Korenkov and A.A. Soldatov ICHEP06, Moscow, 29 July 2006

25 June 2006, ~ 18:00

V.A. Ilyin, V.V. Korenkov and A.A. Soldatov ICHEP06, Moscow, 29 July June 2006, ~ 18:00

V.A. Ilyin, V.V. Korenkov and A.A. Soldatov ICHEP06, Moscow, 29 July 2006

International Connectivity International connectivity for HEP in Russia is based today on two projects: GLORIAD: today 155 Mbps within 2.5 Gbps link Moscow - St-Perersburg – Stockholm – Amsterdam then to USA 2007 – 10 Gbps GEANT2: today 622 Mbps link Moscow-Frankfurt 2007 – 10 Gbps

V.A. Ilyin, V.V. Korenkov and A.A. Soldatov ICHEP06, Moscow, 29 July 2006 Moscow 1 Gbps (RRC KI, SINP MSU, ITEP, …LPI, MEPhI), JINR (Dubna) 1 Gbps f/o (from December 2005) IHEP (Protvino) 100 Mbps fiber-optic ( to have 1 Gigabit/s in 2007 ? ) BINP (Novosibirsk) Mbps (GLORIAD++) INR RAS (Troitsk) 10 Mbps commodity Internet, new f/o to start!? PNPI (Gatchina) 2 Mbps commodity Internet, new f/o link to St- Peterburg 1 Gbps end of 2006 (?) SPbSU (S-Peterburg) 1 Gbps (potentially is available now, but last mile problems) REGIONAL CONNECTIVITY for RuTier2 Our pragmatic goal to 2007:  all RuTier2 sites to have at least 100 Mbps f/o dedicated for network provision of RDIG users,  1 Gbps dedicated connectivity between basic RDIG sites and to EGEE via GLORIAD/GEANT2.