Austria ICT in initial and in in-service teacher training
Sorry, I never worked with such an old version of PAINT... Source:
INITIAL Teacher Training pre-school teachers pre-school teachers: ICT for education is not specially adressed, ICT-skills are partly trained in special courses primary-school teachers and general-secondary-school teachers: ICT is implemented in the different subjects and courses; ICT- basic-courses are offered to all teachers, but they are not always compulsory.
INITIAL Teacher Training academic secondary-school teachers and teachers of intermediate technical-vocational schools teachers of intermediate technical-vocational schools: ICT is implemented in different subjects and courses; a subset of ECDL-skills is trained; many T.T.Institutions begin to use a LMS (Learning Management System) to offer online-materials and evaluation tests. No compulsary minimum-ICT-competencies for all teachers. Still many teachers leave initial teacher training without it.
IN-SERVICE Teacher Training Responsible for all teachers: provincial Pedagogic Institutes (PIB, PIL, RPI,...) Adopted ICT-training for all teachers with INTEL-LEHREN.NET eLearning-Initiative eContent developement Since 2001:
Example LCMS in in-service teacher training: E 2: ILIAS, Uni-Köln, evaluated best open source !! E 1: WebCT: or
Teachers actual ICT - competencies 1.1 estimated mean personal level (50 %) Search and find subject-specific information from digital literacy, encyclopedias and internet. Work with word processing systems to compose worksheets, tests and additional learning material. Work with presentation software in the subject lessons. Compose worksheets with scanned images and use digital imageprocessing. Create websites and handle . Systematic data at national level is not available.
Teachers minimum ICT - competencies 2.1 different learning models learning by distributing Systematic data at national level is not available. Minimum ICT-competencies for all teachers must take care about: Learn from information Learn from feedback learning by interacting Learn from multiple perspectives learning by collaboration „eat or die!“„bread and whip“„footboard driving“ 2.2 Learning Management Systems (LMS) and e-learning Good e-learning also needs a team in the background (technical support, course organizers,...)
In-service teacher training institut working with the open source learning management system ILIAS: Collection of e-learning content – subject portal for teachers and schools and ‚education highway‘: E-learning cluster infoboard for in-service teacher training and schools: 3. Good practice examples