Tutorial 1 Chapter 1 and 2 Exercises1
2 Exercise 1 Which of the following identifiers are: main 1.invalid identifiers 2.valid identifiers and why? double 2time G sue’s return cout xzy123 part#2 #insert this_is_along_one
3 Show the output displayed by the following program lines when the data entered are 5 and 7 respectively. Cout<<“Enter two integers“; Cin>>m>>n; m = m + 5; n = 3 * n; Cout<<“m =“<<m<<endl; Cout <<“n=“<<n; Exercise 2
4 Show the output displayed by the following lines if the value of exp=11. Cout<<“My name is “; Cout<<“Hoda Ahmed.”; Cout<<endl; Cout<<“I live in “; Cout<<“Riyadh, Olaya Street “<<endl; Cout<<“and I have “ << exp << “ years “; Cout<<“of programming experience.”; Cout<<“ *****\n****\n***\n**\n*\n“ ; Exercise 3
5 Write a program that draws a simple triangle of stars on screen. Exercise 4 Exercise 5 Write 2 separate programs that show the following: 1.)Hello, World! 2.)Hello, World! * ** *** **** *****
******************** Salary 2500 Overtime 1250 Total-Sal= 3750 ******************** Exercise 6: Draw a flowchart then write a program that calculates the total salary, Given that a user will enter the salary and overtime. Note: Total-Sal = Salary +Overtime
Please enter first number: 5.5 Please enter second number: 2.5 The Product is Draw a flowchart and write a program to calculate the product of two numbers. Your output must be: Exercise 7:
Exercise 8: Where possible, write equivalents for the following statements using compound assignment operators: a)r = r / 10; b)z = z * x + 1; c)q = q + r * m; Exercises8
Exercise 9: Find the value of x, when j = 5 and k = 2: a)x = j +1*k-3; b)x = k-j*2(j+1); c)x = j k; d)x = j++; e)X=++k; Exercises9
Exercise 10: State the order of evaluation of the operators in each of the following C statements and show the value of x after each statement is performed x = ( 3 * 9 * ( 3 + ( 9 * 3 / ( 1+2 ) ) ) ); Exercises10
Exercises11 Exercise 11: Assume the following: int j = 6; int k = 10; int n; bool b = false; Give the value that is assigned, or illegal. 1.__________ n = k++; 2.__________ n = (k++); 3.__________ n = ++k; 4.__________ n = 7++; 5.__________ n = k j; 6.__________ n = k+++++j; 7.__________ n = k = j = 5; 8.__________ n = k = (j = 5); 9.__________ n = (k = j) = 5; 10.__________ 3 = 4; 11.__________ n = k; n += 1; 12.__________ n = k; n *= 2; 13.__________ n = k; n /= 2;
Exercise 12: Assume that: double y = ; Do the following : Print the integer part of y Print y on 10 places Print y on 7 places and fill the blank places with ‘#’ Print 1 number after the decimal point Print 2 numbers after the decimal point Store the integer part of y in x Add 30.9 to y and store the integer part of the result in z Exercises12