Hurricanes Hurricanes start as tropical storms. After moving to hit the land, a tropical storm is then changed to a Hurricane, and given a name. Most recent catastrophic hurricane was Katrina. Hurricanes are caused by mixing hot and cold air currents over the ocean.
Tsunamis Tsunamis are not a weather event. It is a geological one. Tsunamis are large waves that can reach over 100 feet in height. Tsunamis are normally caused by underwater eruptions and/or volcanic eruptions.
The difference Hurricanes are a Weather event. Tsunamis are a geological event. Hurricanes cause damage by water and winds, while Tsunamis are just water. Tsunamis are more commonly in asian countries, while Hurricanes In the west.
Marine Life Yah!
Coral – Calcium Carbonate Scleractinian Coralline Algae – 24C (75F) – Sunlit Water – 45 meters (150 meters)
Reefs of the world Great Barrier Reef, Australia Gau Island, Fiji Kilifi Island, Kenya Starfish Island, Phillipines
Justin Slides He did that
Water pollution Human industrialization pollutes the ocean, as well as our lakes and rivers( Rivulets) and even the water cycle (which is the natural circulation of water on the earth). Acid Rain: Is when the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere has led to the acidification of rain and freshwater aquatic systems.
Fertilizer Pollution Chemical fertilizers is the most common types of water pollution. The fertilizer can get into the water system by being carried off the surface of the land by rainfall or by seeping through the soil and contaminating the ground water beneath. The major issue with fertilizer pollution is a process called eutrophication, where the surface of a body of water becomes nutrient rich, causing an algal bloom. When the algae start to die off, the organic material in the water will reduce the available oxygen in the water causing many other organisms to die off.
Toxic Waste Another type of pollution is toxic waste pollution is toxic waste. Toxic waste is waste material, often in chemical form that can cause death or injury to living creatures. It usually is the product of industry or commerce, but comes also from residential use, agriculture, the military, medical facilities, radioactive sources, and light industry, such as dry cleaning establishments. Water pollution is responsible for an estimated 8000 deaths a year.
How Fossil Fuels affect the Ocean! K.S – Do fossil fuels have a good or bad affect on the ocean?
CO2! Up to now, the oceans have buffered climate change considerably by absorbing almost one third of the worldwide emitted carbon dioxide. The oceans represent a significant carbon sink, but the uptake of excess CO2 stemming from man's burning of fossil fuels comes at a high cost: ocean acidification. Ocean Acidification is a term given to the chemical changes in the ocean such as pH and acidic levels. Out gassing is one factor that contributes to the increase in gases. It is the escape of gases that had been dissolved in magma under water.
Acidity Most calcifying organisms such as corals, mussels, algae and plankton investigated so far, respond negatively to the more acidic ocean waters. Because of the increased acidity, less carbonate ions are available, which means the calcification rates of the organisms are decreasing and thus their shells and skeletons shrinking. Calcification is affected by this. Ocean acidity relates to the production of shells and plates out of calcium carbonate through a process called calcification. This is a result of a negative affect to our ocean. Acid levels have increased by 6 percent in the pacific ocean over the past few years.
Desalination is the removal of salts and other chemicals from sea water, which may be our way to healthier and cleaner waters along with conserving water and limiting our dumping habits. Evaportranspiration – the process of transferring moisture from the earth to the atmosphere by evaporation of water and transpiration from plants
Water pollution Human industrialization pollutes the ocean, as well as our lakes and rivers and even the water cycle (which is the natural circulation of water on the earth). Acid Rain: Is when the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere has led to the acidification of rain and freshwater aquatic systems. This occurs in the hydrosphere, (the water on or surrounding the surface of the globe, including the water of the oceans and the water in the atmosphere) and during the water cycle (the circulation of the earths water)
Fertilizer Pollution Chemical fertilizers is the most common types of water pollution. The fertilizer can get into the water system by being carried off the surface of the land by rainfall or by seeping through the soil and contaminating the ground water beneath. The major issue with fertilizer pollution is a process called eutrophication, where the surface of a body of water becomes nutrient rich, causing an algal bloom. When the algae start to die off, the organic material in the water will reduce the available oxygen in the water causing many other organisms to die off.
Toxic Waste Another type of pollution is toxic waste pollution is toxic waste. Toxic waste is waste material, often in chemical form that can cause death or injury to living creatures. It usually is the product of industry or commerce, but comes also from residential use, agriculture, the military, medical facilities, radioactive sources, and light industry, such as dry cleaning establishments. Water pollution is responsible for an estimated 8000 deaths a year.