World Bank Financing for Statistics Neil Fantom Development Data Group, World Bank
Main options for World Bank financing Lending products Concessional lending and grants to low income countries (IDA) Lending at competitive market rates to middle income countries (IBRD) Trust Funds and other grants Other: e.g. Analytic and Advisory Activities
Standard lending products can be used for statistical capacity improvement Stand alone statistics project Statistical component in a wider or sector-specific lending operation Statistical capacity improvement in a “development policy loan” (for example those used to support implementation of PRSPs)
STATCAP: a specific World Bank financial product for statistics Designed for NSDS implementation Streamlined preparation and internal approval process Five countries so far: Burkina Faso ($10m), Kenya ($20.5m), Russia ($10m), Tajikistan ($1m), Ukraine ($32m) “Pipeline”: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Indonesia, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia
Key STATCAP requirements Commitment to good statistical practice Existence of statistical development strategy Part of World Bank Country Assistance Strategy (as any lending operation)
Some examples of STATCAP-style projects using standard financial instruments Statistical capacity building as part of a wider project Nigeria ($18m), The Gambia ($3.4m), Sri Lanka ($13m), Vietnam ($14m) Incorporated into support for PRSP Uganda Census support Sudan ($large, part of a Multi-Donor Trust Fund), Mozambique (some financing from a sectoral project)
STATCAP in Burkina Faso
Trust Funds and other grants Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building (TFSCB) Special fund for statistical work Complementary to PARIS21 Multi-donor Institutional Development Fund May provide small grants for institutional capacity building Special trust funds for specific projects E.g. GDDS social statistics in Anglophone Africa (DFID)
TFSCB – a closer look Donors currently United Kingdom, Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, France Can fund development of NSDS Other “non-NSDS” projects up to $400,000 NSDS window: non-competitive, fast approval Non-NSDS: two competitive windows each year 41 active projects with value $7.2m 19 new projects in FY07 (7 rejections)
Analytic and Advisory Activities (AAA) An agreed part of World Bank operations in all countries Some activities rely heavily on statistical data Poverty Assessments, Public Expenditure Reviews and others May present an opportunity To fund specific activities (surveys) Or more general statistical work (e.g. statistical capacity or data quality assessments)
Some things worth knowing (country projects) Most World Bank investment projects are “country-executed” Projects often require Ministry of Finance approval, including signature of a loan or grant agreement Some large projects may need parliamentary ratification Most projects are supervised by the World Bank regional/country office (though they may to use staff from HQ)
World Bank investment in partnership activities Development Grant Facility, $100m per year for “partnership” activities From 2006 $7.5m per year of this for supporting the Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics Current recipients are PARIS21 (including IHSN and ADP), UN Statistics Division (Census), UNESCO Institute for Statistics, UNECE, UN Habitat External Advisory Board provides advice on MAPS implementation
The ICP and PPPs Some practical suggestions Realistic and prioritized plans, that are part of wider planning processes (like PRSPs), have a better chance of attracting investment Show willing e.g. improve data access and dissemination, demonstrate commitment to good statistical practice Donor coordination and information sharing mechanisms are useful Include Ministry of Finance in dialogue