The North Carolina Guide to the SIOP Model Train the Trainer Institutes
WHAT? NC Guide to the SIOP Model Blends the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model with the NC English Language Development Standard Course of Study (ELD SCS) Increases accessibility of grade level content
WHY? Combines academic objectives with English language development to raise achievement NC LEP Subgroup did not meet AYP in –Grades 3-8 Reading –Grades 3-8 Math –Grade 10 Reading –Grade 10 Math
WHO? The SIOP Model is for EVERY LEA/Charter –Classes composed entirely of LEP students –Heterogeneous classes of LEP and native English speakers No LEP population / class is too small
WHEN? WHERE? April 3-5Raleigh July 19-21Raleigh August 2-4Greenville August 2-4Charlotte
COST $50.00 per participant Why a fee???? Show commitment to projectShow commitment to project Defray costsDefray costs Provide more resourcesProvide more resources
What you get! Making Content Comprehensible Using the SIOP Model: Professional Development Manual for Sheltered Instruction NC Guide to the SIOP Model Manual Travel reimbursement: mileage, lodging, meals
EXPECTATION Life after the NC Guide to the SIOP Model Train the Trainer Institute Implement the training in your LEA/charter Implement the training in your LEA/charter Provide ongoing and sustained inservice Provide ongoing and sustained inservice Target Teachers’ Classes, students, subjects Classes, students, subjects Professional knowledge needs Professional knowledge needs
What needs to be done NOW Create an action plan for implementing the SIOP Model –Where we are –Where we’re going –How we’re going to get there Key people to involve: directors, principals, curriculum specialists, teachers Timeline for and beyond Types of training: short overview, long-term Promotion to gain interest and garner support Funding sources: Title III, Title I, Title II, migrant, local
Details 50 participants at each TTT Institute April 3-5 Institute –April Institute reserves, until February 17, 2 spaces for each of the 9 LEAs that did not meet Title III requirements After February 17, the unused reserved spaces will become available After February 17, the unused reserved spaces will become available –April Institute allots 1 space for other LEAs on an as you register/pay basis
Details – Summer Institutes July and August Institutes Registration opens April 10 –One slot per LEA After June 1, registration for more than one person per LEA will be available
Who should participate? People who can train others –Content teacher –Administrator –ESL teacher People who can build capacity
The SIOP Model Preparation Building Background Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice / Application Lesson Delivery Review / Assessment
Contact information… Dr. Fran Hoch (919) Alesha McCauley (919) Joanne Marino