Waste Systems By: Stephany Chavez
A disease that affects it: Kidney disease- is slow, long-term damage to the kidneys. It can progress over time to kidney failure.
Causes of kidney disease: Some are: High blood pressure Lupus Tylenol and ibuprofen hardening of the arteries HIV infection sickle cell disease heroin abuse kidney stones chronic kidney infections certain cancers
What are the symptoms? These are some: need to urinate frequently, especially at night loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting itching, easy bruising, and pale skin headaches, numbness in the feet or hands disturbed sleep chest pain bone pain and fractures decreased sexual interest anderectile dysfunction
Does the body try to fix itself? No, medication is needed such as antibiotics.
What medications do you need to take? Erythropoietin Vitamin D
Is it curable? Yes, with medications it heals it.