The Winds of War
America Remains Neutral? The Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, & Could not sell or transport munitions (or make loans) to a belligerent. Ostrich mentality. Roosevelt “Quarantine Speech”. Punish aggressors by use of economic embargoes. Panay incident. 12/37.
Neutrality Act of European democracies could buy American war materials but only on a “cash and carry’ basis. September, The first peacetime draft takes place. Election of Willkie v. Roosevelt
Closer to war Lend-lease Act: - “Send guns - not sons.” An economic declaration of war. Germany starts to take off the gloves.
Atlantic Charter August Churchill and Roosevelt. Similar to Wilson’s 14 points. Self-determination, right to choose own gov’t, greater democracy.
Big troubles with little Japan China Late Embargoes on scrap iron, steel, assets, oil. Deliberate actions to instigate war?
December 7th, “A day which will live in infamy.”
Conspiracy Theory Standard Japanese test question. Knew that war was inevitable due to the instruction given to Nomura. Code broken. Knew that a large Japanese task force had left Japan. Pac fleet sat at anchor. “the US desires that Japan commit the first overt act.” Marshall. Intercept order for the Japanese embassy to destroy papers and prepare to evacuate.
Agents & reported sightings of the Japanese fleet. Marshall and Frank Knox missing on the 6th. The missing aircraft carriers.