Interprofessional Education Education Symposium in Palliative and End of Life Care November 3, 2007
Tools & Signs Rules Community Division of Labour Sense Meaning Action Engström 2004
Each profession has a “cognitive map”
Learning Theory: Cognitive Psychodynamic Societal - cultural; material environment - interaction, reflection - building on existing wisdom Acquisition process Interaction Process Tension Triangle: Illeris, 2004
Tools & Signs Rules Community Division of Labour Sense Meaning Action Engström 2004, Illeris 2004
Tools & Signs Rules CommunityDivision of Labour Sense Meaning Action
Each profession has a “cognitive map” Each person has a unique “cognitive map”
“...quite literally, two opposing disciplinarians can look at the same thing and not see the same thing…..” H.G. Petrie, J Aesthetic Educ 1976
Components of IPE Decentering – point of view of other – self-reflect Communicating Facilitating core membership & broker functions (Wenger, Communities of Practice) Preserving professional cultures –L. Dahlgren (2006)
Mechanism of Decentering Learning from others –Additional & transformative learning Making own knowledge visible Learning about others –Transformative (changes perspective) –Dismissing myths Learning with others –Transposition Integrating cultures; negotiating meanings, perspectives, priorities L. Dahlgren et al (2006)
The Adult Learner & IPE (Petrie, 1976, D’Eon, 2005) Cooperative learning Experiential learning Active Idea Dominance
Domains & levels… Cognitive Psychomotor Skills Attitudinal Relational Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
7 Essential Elements for Collaboration (Way & Jones reference)
Wrap Up
7 Essential Elements for Collaboration (Way & Jones reference)
Phase of GroupRole of facilitatorFaciltation tasks Forming - Directing - Convening a.Plan ahead b.Convene group c.Define goals for structure d.Atmosphere for learning e.Clarify roles, expectations Storming - Coaching a.ID group’s issues, validate concerns b.Facilitate communication; get input c.Tension is normal Norming - Supporting a.Offering resources & ideas b.Listen & reinforce; be available Performing - Supporting a.Focus group on task b.Question; summarize & synthesize Adjourning - Separating a.Support in letting go, saying good-bye b.Evaluate how group was for them all GROUP PROCESS
7 Elements Checklist During your discussions: What do you observe: –in yourself? –in the others?
7 Elements 1) Cooperation 2) Assertiveness 3) Responsibility 4) Communication 5) Autonomy 6) Coordination 7) Trust & Respect
Assessment of Professional Behavior in Small Group Session Respect Communication Skills Responsibility Self-Awareness/Self Evaluation Northern Ontario School of Medicine
P-EOL Care Topics for IPE Assessment of total pain Grief and loss Advance care planning Spirituality and health Attitudes and beliefs about E-O-L Cultural awareness Communication skills