Title I, Part A, Updates for Experienced Coordinators Chris McLaughlin Virginia Department of Education Office of Program Administration and Accountability July 2015 Coordinators’ Academy
2015 Coordinators’ Academy 10 Manage the grant funds; 9 Submit application amendments and correlating budget transfer requests in a timely manner; 8 Submit reimbursement requests regularly and accurately; 7 Prepare for Federal Program Monitoring on an annual basis; 6 Participate in relevant Title I University webinars;
2015 Coordinators’ Academy 5 Contact your Title I specialist often; 4 Familiarize yourself with and be knowledgeable of USED guidance documents; 3 Examine and enhance parental involvement communication systems and processes; 2 Develop a comprehensive application that accurately reflects the Title I program; and 1 Evaluate the program’s effectiveness in terms of student achievement outcomes.
2015 Coordinators’ Academy MANAGE THE GRANT FUNDS 10
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Life-Cycle of Grant = 27 Months
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Spend Down of Federal Funds Year of Grant Award Total Grant Award Period Deadline to Obligate 85% of Award* Deadline to Obligate 100% of Award Deadline to Request Reimbursement for ALL Funds FFY 2015 ( ) July 1, 2015 – September 30, 2017 September 30, 2016 September 30, 2017 November 15, 2017 FFY 2014 ( ) July 1, 2014 – September 30, 2016 September 30, 2015 September 30, 2016 November 15, 2016 FFY 2013 ( ) July 1, 2013 – September 30, 2015 September 30, 2014 September 30, 2015 November 15, 2015
2015 Coordinators’ Academy 7 Virginia Department of Education Carryover Provisions Total period of grant award is 27 months 85 percent of funds must be obligated within 15 months Up to 15 percent can be carried over for the remaining grant award period Refer to Superintendent’s Memo # – Title I, Part A Carryover Provisions and Reallocation Procedures Under the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 (ESEA) for more information.Superintendent’s Memo # – Title I, Part A Carryover Provisions and Reallocation Procedures Under the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 (ESEA)
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Considerations for Planning the Use of Title I Funds Ask yourself, is it... Allowable?Reasonable? Necessary?Advisable? Not prohibited or required by other state or local regulations. Supplemental to the basic education program Necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient performance and implementation Not exceeding sensible limits; not exorbitant Market cost for comparable goods To meet a clear and documented need To carry out an approved program/activity or for the success of an approved/adopted initiative To increase access, improve quality, support students, etc. Appropriate infrastructure in place to support the activity Aligned with current division initiatives, strategic direction, policies, etc. Sufficient time, personnel, funding to fully carry out the initiative
2015 Coordinators’ Academy AMENDMENTS AND BUDGET TRANSFERS 9
2015 Coordinators’ Academy To amend, or not to amend? When are application amendments necessary? After final allocations are released (if application has already been approved programmatically) When programmatic changes are made during grant award cycle Before any budget transfer request is made throughout grant award cycle
Title I, Part A, Amendments Amendments should include: Amendment number, date, and description of changes on cover page of application Modifications to application such as: Program narrative Detailed budget description Object code budget Budget summary
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Budget Transfers A budget transfer request must follow any application request that includes budget changes. Write a clear and concise justification. Work with your budget office to ensure accuracy. Use the “View My Spenddown Calendar Report” in the Online Management of Education Grant Awards (OMEGA) system to review all budget transfer requests processed within the grant award period.
2015 Coordinators’ Academy REIMBURSEMENTS 8
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Reimbursements Submit reimbursements on regular basis (quarterly or monthly). Submit reimbursements for “older funds” prior to accessing “newer funds” when possible. Review OMEGA requests regularly to ensure created requests are submitted and approved through local approval queue by all parties.
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Reimbursements Ensure reimbursement requests are explicitly stated in the grant. Ensure the item or activity is directly expressed in the reimbursement request description line. Use the “View My Spenddown Calendar Report” in OMEGA to review all reimbursement requests processed within the grant award period.
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Review spend down for all open awards regularly (use the “View My Spending Progress” report in OMEGA).
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring Cycle Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring Cycle
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring Process
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring ( ) Number of Divisions Monitored Title I, Part A, Title I, Part D, Title III Number of Divisions: No Findings Number of Divisions: Findings Total Findings
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring Summary Federal Program AreaArea of ImprovementFrequency Title I 2.1c (Instructional Support – Highly Qualified Teachers and Paraprofessionals) 16 Title I 2.3a (Parental Involvement Policies) 2 Title I 2.3e (Convene Annual Meeting) 2 Title I2.7a (Student Selection Criteria) 1
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring Summary Federal Program AreaArea of ImprovementFrequency Title I 3.1a (Fiduciary: Reallocation of funds) 3 Title I 3.2a (Fiduciary: local application review) 2 Title I 3.3e (Proper Distribution of Funds) 1 Title I 3.4b (Fiduciary: Comparability) 1 Title III2.4b (Parental Notifications) 1
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring: School Division Participation Protocol Document Review Evidence Collection & Sharing System Enhance Capacity for Systemic Processes Self Monitor & Request VDOE Assistance FPM Participation & Response to Recommendations/ Findings
2015 Coordinators’ Academy TITLE I UNIVERSITY ( ) 6
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Title I University Content
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Title I University During the school year, Title I staff will facilitate training sessions focused on specific and timely topics. Participation is open to any and all interested division staff. Topics for this year include: National Title I Distinguished Schools Application Process Successful Program Implementation: Meeting Compliance Requirements Application Amendments and Budget Transfers Comparability Equitable Services, Part I and Part 2 Community Eligibility Provision Maintenance of Effort Monitoring and Revising the Schoolwide Plan Refer to presentation schedule for session dates.
2015 Coordinators’ Academy VDOE SUPPORT 5
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Consultation Recommended Federal Program Monitoring preparation Allowable expenditures Adding a new position with Title I funds School eligibility Application planning Parent Involvement Time and effort reporting Schoolwide planning Program evaluation
2015 Coordinators’ Academy VDOE Contact Information: Title I, Part A, Specialists Regions III, VI, and VII Gabie Frazier Regions II, IV, and VIII Chris McLaughlin Regions I and V Shyla Vesitis
2015 Coordinators’ Academy VDOE Contact Information: Title I, Part A, Coordinator Dr. Lynn Sodat, Title I, Part A, Coordinator VDOE Title I, Part A, staff contact information, including specialists’ assigned divisions, is posted on the VDOE Web site: rt_a/index.shtml rt_a/index.shtml
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Guidelines and Procedures
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Guidelines and Procedures
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Suggested Guidance Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Suggested Guidance Parental Involvement
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Suggested Guidance Fiscal Issues
2015 Coordinators’ Academy PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT 3
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Parental Involvement Provisions in ESEA Shared accountability between schools and parents for high student achievement Local development of parental involvement plans Building parents' capacity for using effective practices to improve their own children's academic achievement Parent notification of school and division performance on federal accountability measures Parent notification of professional qualifications of teachers
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Title I, Part A, Parental Involvement As a condition of receiving Title I, Part A, funds, a school division must: Develop a Title I School Parent Involvement Policy for each Title I school; Develop a Title I Division Parent Involvement Policy; Evaluate plans and activities annually; and Reserve one percent of the division’s Title I allocation for parent involvement if the total award is $500,000 or greater.
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Parental Involvement Resources
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Your Application is the Road Map to Implement your Title I Program Needs Assessment Program Evaluation Research-based Programs and Activities Measurable Objectives Detailed Budget Breakdown Program Overview
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Developing the Title I, Part A, Application Begin the application process by conducting an annual needs assessment and program evaluation. Include a data analysis summary in the application narrative. Describe the division’s instructional program as supported by the federal grant. Describe research-based strategies implemented to obtain measurable objectives.
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Developing the Title I, Part A, Application Describe meaningful parental involvement activities. Ensure that funded activities and programs contribute to the measurable objectives. Provide detailed summary of support initiatives for priority schools, focus schools, and schools in improvement if you set aside funds to support these schools.
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Ensure that all children have fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and assessments. Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged The purpose of Title I is to: Purpose of Title I, Part A
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Annual Evaluation Process Data Collection (formative/ summative) Data Analysis Data Dissemination Program Modifications
2015 Coordinator’s Academy 49 Virginia Department of Education Data Analysis and Program Evaluation Two primary inquiries
2015 Coordinator’s Academy 50 Virginia Department of Education Surveys Focus groups State and local assessments Lesson plans and student work Curriculum and assessment materials Observation reports Surveys Focus groups State and local assessments Lesson plans and student work Curriculum and assessment materials Observation reports Student demographics School culture and climate Academic achievement College and career readiness Human capital/Instructional data Parent and community engagement School operations and management Student demographics School culture and climate Academic achievement College and career readiness Human capital/Instructional data Parent and community engagement School operations and management Identify and Gather Data Include multiple types of data from a variety of sources.
2015 Coordinator’s Academy 51 Virginia Department of Education Tier I: State and Division Level SOL Results Title I AMOs Title III AMAOs ACCESS for ELLs Alternate Assessment Tier 2: School Level Data End of Course Assessments Classroom/Program Assessments Professional Development Participation Rates Attendance Classroom observation data Behavior Incidents Budgets Projections and Actual Expenditures Tier 3: Contextual & Classroom Level Data. Expectations Documentation Classroom observation data Student Work Meeting/Workshop Records (agendas/minutes/attendance) Surveys (Professional Development, Parent, Community) Communications Records (fliers, mailings, web postings, etc.) PAC/PTO/PTA Membership School Event Calendars Volunteer Applications Classroom interruptions (i.e. announcements) Tiered Data Sources
2015 Coordinator’s Academy 52 Virginia Department of Education When Determining which Sources of Data to Use, Think About the Following Questions: Are the data sets relevant to the area under study? Do the data points selected give you differing perspectives or lenses through which you can answer key questions? How does each of the data points (sources of data) help you answer key questions?
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Key Questions to Consider Did the Title I-funded programs and activities improve student performance? How do you know? Are the activities and initiatives obtaining the intended results? How do you know? How are “like” students performing that do not have the benefit of the Title I program? Do achievement gaps exist? Are they shrinking?
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Questions?