1 Nanotechnology Versatile Bottom-up Nanofabrication Technique: Layer-by-Layer Assembly ~ Anuja Choubey
2 Introduction “Top-down” Photon based Nanolithography Electron Beam Lithography Focused Ion Beam Lithography “Bottom-up” Self Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) Block Copolymers Electrostatic Self-Assembly Layer-by-Layer Assembly (LBL) Nanofabrication Techniques
3 Background Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) Expensive instrumentation Not applicable for non-amphiphilic materials Self assembled Monolayer (SAM) Not suitable for multilayer fabrication Layer-by-Layer Assembly (LBL) Inexpensive Simple, Easy-to-use Enhanced modularity Potential for greater versatility
4 How LBL works? Ariga et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 9 (2319–2340), 2007
5 Materials Used Polyions- PAH, PDDA, PSS, PVS, PAA, PPV Proteins, DNA, Charged polysaccharides Charged inorganic substances Colloidal nanoparticles Clay Nanosheets Modified zeolite crystals. Charged supramolecular assemblies Bolaamphiphile monolayers Lipid bilayers LB films Stacked dye molecules
6 Characterization Microscopy AFM TEM SEM Optical Spectroscopy Ellipsometry Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM)
7 Ellipsometry A. Tronin et al., Colloid Polym. Sci., 272, 1317, 1994 Quartz Crystal Microbalance
8 Applications Anti-static coating for plastics Sensors Oxygen sensor Glucose biosensor Light emitting diode Fuel Cells Polymer Capsules Micro-reactors Targeted Drug delivery
9 Fuel Cell Application
10 Formation of Polymer Capsules E.Donath et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 37, 16( ),
11 Limitations Fuzzy internal architecture Sensitive to working conditions Humidity Drying between cycles Future Work Synergy with other techniques Top-down microfabrication
12 Questions?