FOOD chain FOOD WEB DESCRIPTION Bibliography Cedar elm tree Genus:Ulmus species:americana The seed of the elm tree is a samara. The elm tree gets a fungal disease by the bark beetle.
Food Chain The sun gives light to the elm tree. The elm tree makes its own food. The bark beetle eats the bark of the elm tree. The woodpecker eats a bark beetle. The eagle eats a woodpecker. Return to main page
Food Web Return to main page SUN ELM TREE BARK BEETLE Woodpecker eagle squirrels
Description 1.An elm tree could reached up to 100 feet tall. 2.Its trunk could be 4 feet wide. 3.Elms have simple leaves with teeth on the edges. 4.The leaves are usally one to five inches long. 5.The elm tree leaves turn to yellow in fall. 6.The elm tree’s leaves on top are like a sandpaper. 7.The elm tree’s leaves on the bottom are smooth. Return to main page
Bibliography Pictures Elm tree - Objects/Objects.htm Squirrels - squirrels.html Woodpecker - image27.htm Bark beetle - images/page2/5c.jpg eagle - php?id= Information I got the research from Return to main page