Tree Domestication Course: Module 6 Tree Information & Databases Ahmed S. Salim/Caleb Orwa
Outline Introduction Demos Exercises
The databases There are currently 3 databases within the trees and Markets theme being distributed in CD-ROMS TSSD 8230 taxa (including subspecies and varieties supplied by 132 suppliers - Available in booklet AgroForestree Fuelwood-18% Fodder-50% Fruit-46% Other foods-7% (Gums,Leaves, Seeds) Botanic nomeclature for AFT- ( Available in booklet form also) NB: These databases are available online at es/TreeDBS/database s.htm es/TreeDBS/database s.htm
AgroForestree database Some of the major objectives of setting up this database are To collect and present in a readily accessible format the relevant information on woody perennials (which are essential components of agroforestry systems). This information is currently scarce and scattered over a vast amount of literature. To provide the information that tree users (farmers, landscapers, conservation groups etc) would rely on to make informed decisions whenever they integrate agroforestry trees in their activities These major objectives would promote the better use of trees in Agroforestry systems
Theme and data model The AgroForestree database is a tree reference and selection guide - Use of pre-defined parameters to retrieve the trees desired -Keywords -Geographic distribution -Functional uses and /or service roles -Free text (open) search -Look up data on a tree you are interested in -Botanic name -Local /Common name
Data Model Species identity Ecology and distribution Propagation methods Functional uses Pests and diseases Bibliography Images Links to Seed suppliers Geo-spatial based tree selector module
Geo-spatial based tree selector module The next version of the database will incorporate an embedded spatial analysis tool. This will give users a new opportunity to predict the trees they can grow by making a spatial selection on a map as the following slides show
Specifying criteria
Shading suitable areas
User specified area
A sneak preview of the other databases The other previously mentioned databases (in summary)
Tree Seed Suppliers Directory (TSSD) Sources of seeds and microsymbionts information of potential seed and microsymbiont suppliers informed use of tree germplasm wider use of quality germplasm biosafety issues covers over 8000 taxa and 132 suppliers Information collected from suppliers questionnaire
Botanic Nomenclature for AF trees compilation of botanical names its aim is to provide consistent scientific naming of plants prompted by misspelling emerging in agroforestry literature structure: current name, family, authority, synonyms and common names Sources: IK, Mabberley
Feedback species to include suppliers to add Images Fields to include
Exercise Select suitable species for fuelwood and intercropping Find suppliers for Leucaena diversifolia different varieties available? select and print information for selected suppliers Seed pretreatment information