Mats Lindroos INTC Agenda 09:00 Introduction by the Chairman, J. Äystö 09:05 Report by the ISOLDE Technical Coordinator, M. Lindroos 09:25 Report by the.


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Presentation transcript:

Mats Lindroos INTC Agenda 09:00 Introduction by the Chairman, J. Äystö 09:05 Report by the ISOLDE Technical Coordinator, M. Lindroos 09:25 Report by the ISOLDE Scientific Coordinator, T. Nilsson 09:40 Status Report of the IS413 ISOLTRAP Experiment, K.Blaum 10: experimental campaign at n_TOF Report, A. Mengoni 11:00 Studies of electric dipole moments in the octupole collective regions of heavy Radiums and Bariums, H.Mach 11:20 Inelastic branch of the stellar reaction 14 O(a,p) 17 F, P.J.Woods

Mats Lindroos Scientific report and nTOF The ISOLDE Scientific Coordinator, Thomas Nilsson: –overview of the 2003 operation –The renovated HRS front-end gives opportunity to operate the facility in push-pull mode for the last 1.5 months of the 2003 operational period. –Planned upgrade of REX-ISOLDE to 3.1 MeV/u unlikely in The 2003 experiment campaign at nTOF, Alberto Mengoni: –Capture measurements had been performed for a large number of targets until September –Fission measurements in progress. –The plans for 2004 is to install a 4p-calorimeter for further measurements on actinides, pending the acceptance of a proposal to be submitted to the following meeting. –Claude Detraz reiterated that the nTOF collaboration should consider its future plans, in conjunction with enlarging the user basis. Future of nTOF: single experiments or large collaboration (as ISOLDE)?

Mats Lindroos Technical report Buildings: –Extension building 170 Ready January 2005 –Class A lab, building 179 Ready autumn 2004 –Solid state physics laboratory Part of building 170 extension Beam transport at ISOLDE –Beam delivered up to experiments – efficiency gain! HRS front-end –Installed and operational! REX integration –Selection boards under preparation (2 done!) Future EURISOL study –Bid from ISOLDE AB and EP to participate –Leading role for target and ion source development –Post accelerator, charge breeding and mass- separators –Full beta-beam study integral part of EURISOL ISOLDE shutdown –Off-line running –New control system –Alignment –New EIC

Mats Lindroos Closed meeting INTC New members: Tilman Butz, Hubert Doubre, Mark Huyse, Dieter Hilscher and Francesco Priolo Reports, the Committee expressed its satisfaction… (nTOF and ISOLDE) –Integrated proton flux delivered to nTOF during 2003 according to expectations –K. Langanke informed that the astrophysics community now is becoming increasingly aware of the existence and capabilities of the nTOF facility Approved 29 new shifts, approved 24 pending shifts Letters of intent: –Mercury target test for neutron spallation sources Encouraged full proposal BUT outside normal ISOLDE schedule AB division asked to investigate scheduling in the period and calculate the cost for 2 months –RFQ cooler for atomic physics Strongly encouraged to submit full proposal UK grant application in progress to finance RFQ cooler

Mats Lindroos ISOLDE Collaboration Committee 1.Introductory remarks by the chairman, B. Jonson 2.Approval of minutes of the last meeting, B. Jonson 3.News from the AB Division, M. Lindroos 4.Schedule, T. Nilsson 5.INTC matters, J. Äystö 6.Status of REX-ISOLDE integration with CERN, and MoU, M. Lindroos 7.Status of RILIS, V. Fedosseev 8.Status of Hall Extension and Class A laboratory, M. Lindroos 9.Status of REX, P. Butler 10.Status of 6th Framework Proposals proposal, B. Jonson/ P. Butler 11.Selection of new physics coordinator, B. Jonson 12.ISCC Membership terms, B. Jonson 13.Broadcast of ISCC minutes on ISOLDE web page, J. Weterings 14.New CERN management structure and implications for ISOLDE, P. Butler 15.A.O.B

Mats Lindroos ISOLDE collaboration Budget dedicated to hall extension and REX-ISOLDE integration –Small provisions for User support and administration Decision on applying for external grants to replace the RILIS system with a solid state laser system (up to 2006 in stages) –Important savings for RILIS operation EU decision on EURONS proposal postponed to next year (2 nd call of I3 but with preserved priorities from 1 st call) –Consequences for budgeting of hall extension and REX integration Selection procedure for ISOLDE physics coordinator started –Decision for Friday 10 October

Mats Lindroos ISOLDE upgrade group 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Report from ISCC on REX integration and hall extension (B Jonson) 3. REX-ISOLDE upgrade (report on meeting 27.6) (O Kester) 4. REX-STAR (M Lindroos) 5. Proton beam availability to 2010 (R Garoby: HIP, HIPPI; T Nilsson) 6. Implications of beam intensity upgrade: targets (J Lettry: manpower & resources) 7. Implications of beam intensity upgrade: radiation safety (T Otto: manpower & resources) 8. Status of SPL (R Garoby) 9. Status of EURISOL design study (P Butler) 10. AOB

Mats Lindroos ISOLDE upgrade group REX upgrade –Design work on 4.3 MeV/u upgrade amplifiers to be launched towards the end of the year with Bertronics IH2 IH3 Amplifier IH-7gap MINIBALL second beam line

Mats Lindroos ISOLDE upgrade group REX-star –Low energy facility (below 300 keV/u) for solid state physics and astrophysics –Plans of consultant (Heinz Haas) to be presented in December 2003 Targets, intensity upgrades –R&D in progress, lacks 1.5 FTE and 500 Kchf for 10 microampere study Radiation protection –New limits for planned interventions, 6 mSV, creates problems! –Optimization of shielding and increased reliability fundamental for an upgrade AOB –Technical Design Report to be prepared for the upgrade of the ISOLDE facility including the physics case (yellow report) Conge meeting!