Native Americans & European Settlement
The Konza Indians Like other eastern plains Indians, the Konza were reliant on the buffalo for many of their needs.
Before the Wasetu Before North America was settled by European immigrants, it is believed that up to 60 million buffalo roamed and billions of prairie dogs burrowed in the prairie These grazers were Keystone Species that 1) altered the prairie and 2) provided habitat for auxiliary species
The Arrival of the Horse Even though horses are believed to have evolved in North America, they had been extinct on the continent until the Spanish invaded from the southwest
French Trappers The explorers from the east were French trappers, who lived with the Indians and learned to use the many native resources
Early American Exploration In 1803, Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France for $15,000,000 Later that year, Jefferson dispatched Lewis & Clark to explore the western people and resources as they searched for a water course to the western ocean
Inviting Expansion: The Wasichu In the years following the expedition, Easterners were lured west. Trails like the Oregon & Sante Fe developed.
At War with the Buffalo During the late 1800’s westward expansion, the plains population of buffalos were killed for their 1) tongues, 2) hides, and 3) bones The building of the Railroads and increase in Cattle were critical in their demise
At War with the Indian As westward expansion took place, the endemic native americans were repeatedly displaced. Most moved uneventfully but the northern Sioux (those responsible for Custer’s Last Stand at the Battle of Little Big Horn
Commemorating Victory 1913 to 1938
At War with Grass Abraham Lincoln signed the Homesead Act into law in This law promoted the occupation of the plains, giving head-of-household 160 acres to cultivate for $18
In Need of Water While drilling for energy resources, the continents largest aquifer, the Ogallala aquifer, was discovered This water is ancestral runoff from the Rocky Mountains
Center Pivot Irrigation