Agenda: 3/14/13 Reading/Writing Workshop Imagery Journal entry Midterm Journal Check * Calendar Update: Determine TBD dates (…midterm) * Schedule Presentations Lit. Analysis Websites: Progress Report/Peer-Edit * Binder Check
J.E #23: Imagery She looked into the distance, and the old terror flamed up for an instant, then sank again. Edna heard her father’s voice and her sister Margaret’s. She heard the barking of an old dog that was chained to the sycamore tree. The spurs of the cavalry officer clanged as he walked across the porch. There was the hum of bees, and the musky odor of pinks filled the air. – Kate Chopin, The Awakening 1.Although the narrator “looks into the distance,” the images are primarily auditory. What are the auditory images in the passage? What mood do these images create. 2.The last sentence of this passage contains an olfactory image (the musky odor of pinks fill the air). What effect does the use of an olfactory image, after a series of auditory images, have on the reader? Write a paragraph in which you create a scene through auditory imagery. The purpose of your paragraph is to create a calm, peaceful mood. Use one olfactory image to enhance the mood created by auditory imagery. * Whole-class share…I will conduct a Midterm Journal Check today.
2 nd Block: 5-7 min. Presentation Schedule Friday, March 22Monday, March 25Tuesday, March Jamie5. Olivia12. Morgan 2. Danny6. Terral13. Connor 3. Anu7. Christopher14. Bennett 4. Sarah8. Hannah15. Robert 9. Muneerah16. Madeline 10. Jennifer17. JB 11. Nicolas18. Taylor
4 th Block: 5-7 min. Presentation Schedule Friday, March 22Monday, March 25Tuesday, March 26 1.Kyle5.Amos12.Chris 2.Will6.Gray13.Lia 3.Sandler7.Tairyn14.Chloe 4.Tommy8.Peter15.Josue 9.Eddie16.Connor 10.Jordan17.Nathanael 11.Mason18.Brooke
Homework: 3/14/13 VOCABULARY: WRITING WORKSHOP: Due 3/22 Draft #3 Comp./Cont. Due 3/25: Draft #2 The Alchemist Essay (any 2 vocab words from unit 1-8) Literary Period Dates/Work Mon., Mar 18: Meet in Library: Website Work; Speech Preparation; Research Paper/anything related to SP Tues., April 2: Meet in Library; Website Work April 3: 2 Long Reads May 1: 2 Long Reads SENIOR PROJECT Thurs., March 21: Due: Letter to Judges Fri., March 22: Auditorium: Presentation Info. Session Friday, March 29: Research Paper Due Thurs., April 4: Due: Mentor Hours and Forms Faxed to Ms. Nicely Thurs., April 18: Due: Portfolio; Auditorium: Finishing Touches Thurs., April 25: Senior Project Board’s Night!!! Fri., April 26: End-of-Senior Project Extravaganza! RESEARCH PAPER (Refer to “Party on a Page” for Detailed Requirements Fri., Mar 15: Due: Sentence Outline of paper Thurs., Mar 21: Due: Error-free Intro. Paragraph Tues., Mar 26: Due: Draft of Entire 5-7 page paper, Outline and Works Cited/Peer-Editing Session Fri., Mar 29: Final Draft of 5-7 page paper, Outline and Works Cited PRESENTATIONS Friday, Mar. 22 and Monday, Mar. 25: 5-7 min. Presentations MIDTERM Thursday, April 4 SNACKRATIC SEMINAR (Bring a snack to munch on for Publish-Ready Paper-Grading Circles) Thurs. April 4 -Friday, April 5