MARL Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) Current JEOL SEM is over 20 years old and has a rated resolution of 4.0 nm New FEI SEM uses a field-emission gun which provides a rated resolution of 1.2 nm. The current SEM is routinely pushed to its limit (~50kx), but nanotechnology research demands better characterization tools The new SEM would enable images to be taken at 150,000x and higher magnifications It will also afford low voltage and high pressure (up to 20 Torr) modes of operation
50kx JEOL FEI Comparison of images from JEOL and FEI SEMs at 50kx
150kx image from FEI FE-SEM
50kx JEOL FEI Comparison of images from JEOL and FEI SEMs at 50kx
150kx image from new FE-SEM
Low voltage capability of new FE-SEM Note the absence of artifacts from gold coating High voltage with gold coatingLow voltage without coating