Software and Deployment Update -- Stanford University -- GEC11 July 2011
List of software OpenFlow ref. implementation git:// NOX controller git:// (Branch Zaku) - SNAC Build 2 FlowVisor git:// Expedient, Opt-in mgr apt-get, yum from home:/jnaous:/expedient/xUbuntu_ HP, NEC, and Pronto firmware Vendor distribution mode HP: 2_02v NEC: Product Indigo: 1.0_web
Future release plans NOX –August: Python-stripped NOX released –September: Python-only research controller released –October: NOX destiny merge and release Expedient/OIM –October: Fix bugs listed in JIRA –GEC12: Introduce new RSpec FlowVisor –October: Improved isolation between slices –Beyond: Additional support for stitching
Stanford deployments Wired network in Gates 3A for 18 users over 7 rooms Open wireless network with 35 APs and max of 20 users in Gates bldg Demo network (and GENI substrate) with 7 switches and few NetFPGA nodes VICCI cluster with 70 nodes Upcoming wifi deployment in Packard building Production deployment in CIS bldg with 7 switches + 17 APs, serving 50 PCs + max of 15 wifi users
Stanford demo network
Next steps for Stanford deployment Experimentation –Stable GENI network with powerful PL nodes –Work with Princeton and introduce OpenFlow in VICCI cluster Production –Gates: Try new switches and controllers –Packard: Open wireless deployment Introduce OpenFlow in a class room –CIS: Expanding OF deployment to more class rooms and APs –OF-enabled home network
Next steps for deployment (contd.) Stanford IT is evaluating OpenFlow –For Network Administration Guest Access (Wireless & Wired) Campus Wireless Data Center Campus Back-bone Network Delegated Management Sharing infrastructure between depts –For Residences In-House Guest Wireless Network Access For Non-Affiliated Users IPTV and Google Fiber-to-the-Door –For Science Community Better connectivity to Other Research Communities –For Network Researchers Shared Infrastructure