N ational S tatistics O ffice REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES MINERVA ELOISA P. ESQUIVIAS PHILIPPINES NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Revising the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses New York, 29 October to 1 November 2013
2 N ational S tatistics O ffice REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES The population and housing census was conducted simultaneously in May The 2010 CPH was carried out through face-to-face interview; paper-based; made use of complete enumeration using the short form, and sampling using the long form. It had 26 individual population census data items, 2 household level population census data items, and 21 housing census data items.
3 N ational S tatistics O ffice REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Of the 21 housing census data items: only 7 were collected on a complete enumeration; 14 are core housing topics as listed in the UN Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses; 7 were non-core housing topics. There are core housing topics in the UN P&R that were not collected in the 2010 CPH. These are the number of rooms, sewage disposal, bathing facilities, and availability of kitchen.
4 List of Housing Topics Collected in the 2010 CPH ItemShort FormLong Form 1. Type of building * 2. Construction materials of the roofs 3. Construction materials of the outer walls * 4. State of repair of the building/house 5. Year building/house was built 6. Floor area of the housing unit 7. Fuel for lighting * 8. Fuel for cooking * * Core housing topic listed in the UN Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses N ational S tatistics O ffice REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES
5 List of Housing Topics Collected in the 2010 CPH ItemShort FormLong Form 9. Source of water supply for drinking * 10. Source of water supply for cooking * 11. Source of water supply for laundry * 12. Tenure status of the housing unit * 13. Acquisition of the housing unit 14. Source of financing of the housing unit 15. Monthly rental of the housing unit 16. Tenure status of the lot * * Core housing topic listed in the UN Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses N ational S tatistics O ffice REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES
6 List of Housing Topics Collected in the 2010 CPH ItemShort FormLong Form 17. Usual manner of garbage disposal * 18. Kind of toilet facility * 19. Land ownership * 20. Presence of household conveniences including presence of cellphone & computers * 21. Internet access * * Core housing topic listed in the UN Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses N ational S tatistics O ffice REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES
7 N ational S tatistics O ffice REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Topics collected for the first time in the 2010 CPH: Presence of cellular phone and personal computers (desktop, laptop, notebook, netbook, and others) in working condition Access to internet
8 N ational S tatistics O ffice REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ISSUES Floor area of the housing unit Difficult to obtain accurate response. Provided response categories of estimated floor area in range such as: 01 - less than 5 sq. m./less than 54 sq. ft sq. m./ sq. ft sq. m./ sq. ft sq. m./ sq. ft. and so on.
9 N ational S tatistics O ffice REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ISSUES Tenure status of the housing unit or lot Response is misleading if the original occupant is an informal settler (rent-free without consent of the owner) who rented out the lot or housing unit to the resident currently occupying it; the current resident would respond to this question as rented Does not completely identify informal settlers who belong to the marginalized sector
10 N ational S tatistics O ffice REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ISSUES Tenure status of the lot Respondents tend to readily answer that tenure status of the lot is owned even if they have no land title or they are not registered as owners of the lot, especially for those whose grandparents or relatives are holders of Ancestral Domain Title.
11 N ational S tatistics O ffice REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ISSUES Household’s access to internet No profile of the household members who have access to internet. Cannot provide the specific location (e.g. from internet shops, wifi in malls, office, school) for the household who has access to internet somewhere else.
12 N ational S tatistics O ffice REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ISSUES Household’s access to internet No profile of the household members who have access to internet. Cannot provide the specific location (e.g. from internet shops, wifi in malls, office, school) for the household who has access to internet somewhere else.
13 N ational S tatistics O ffice REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Maraming Salamat!