Facilitate Fast & Self-propelled: Return To Society Onno W. Purbo A Common Indonesian
References Mailing List
Disclaimer.. I am a trained Engineer, not an economist nor a social scientist I tend to simplify things & may be wrong Some thought may be too extreme Consider this as an on going research work
Acknowledgment.. Thank you CERN & IDRC Thank you to my friends Basuki Suhardiman, Donny BU, Bona, Donny, Adi, Noor etc.. Who _voluntarily_ work hard to help the community.
Basic Prinsiples Consume Produce Supply Driven Demand Driven Public Private Community / Mass Education is the key strategic element.
Lots of stories in Indonesia.. Conglomerates economy collapse.. Leaving US$ billion debt & corrupt gov’t Informal sector & SME based economy ICT speeds up transactions & knowledge sharing
After 10+ Years … 4+ Million Indonesian Internet Users WiFi outdoor installations CyberCafes schools on the Internet Community Radio Not much gov’t funding & support No World Bank, no IMF funding Mostly self-finance
Keywords for Success Education! Education! Education.. Encourage knowledge producer Knowledge Sharing To Make Things Difficult No Money, Self-Finance.. Sustainable Process Bottom up Community based Development
Some Real Examples
The solution should.. Focus on Self-finance Sustainable Access (Infrastructure). Applications may run on top of it. Aim for highest impact at lowest possible overhead if possible self-finance sustainable processes.
Guerrilla Telco Warfare.. Basic Strategies: Community Education! Education! knowledge transfer, copyleft. Go for many small but interconnected network. Self-finance, sustainable independent community based telecommunication infrastructure. Don’t worry it’ll take 10+ years to see the impact..
Grass Root Movement
Community Based WiFi + VoIP Infrastructure
Two (2) Main Technologies WiFi – for outdoor usage! VoIP
Main Features “Low Cost” US$ / WiFi node. US$10-50 / phone line (dep on config) Operating cost US$400/16-60 line/ month Many Open Source
Education is Key!
Comp. Lab. For Street Kids Source: Donny BU
Used Equipments
Children Happy …
We do more.. Give free talks on Internet in schools Currently schools on Internet high schools in Indonesia Mostly Self-Finance Some support Vocational School Director MoE Investment US$2000-US$4000/school 50 cents/student/month – RoI ~1 Year Movement for WiFi City WAN for School in 5 Cities. We are looking at million Indonesian Future Generation ICT Literate Self-Finance
Cost …. 24 Hour Connected to the Internet Ref: Neighborhood Net Infrastructure Investment US$80-100/house Operating US$15-30/house/month VoIP Infrastructure US$25-35/handset vs. US$1000/handset by Telco. Operating US$15-25/month unlimited (including unlimited long distance calls)
The Big Picture
Knowledge Cycle
How? … Free distribution in CDROM Free copy of Harddrive ~5Gbyte Join ~100 Internet mailing lists 600 s / day Publish ~40 Title of Books Give talks, seminars, workshops 3-4 talks / week, 2-3 cities / week.
Tacit Knowledge Sharing Facilitate Generation Local Knowledge Supply Created by Demand The beauty: No Prior Content / Knowledge Incidentally Create Local Content/Knowledge Massive Community Education process All self-finance process
Supply Created By Demand
What you can do.. Education! Education! Education.. Encourage knowledge producer in local lang. Facilitate Knowledge Sharing Replication & Scaling up process through word-of- mouth / tacit knowledge exchange. Make Sure Stop Gov’t Repressive Actions Liberate community radios & TV Liberate WiFi bands & VoIP for community infrastructure. Note that most implementation & operations may be community based + self-finance
The catch.. Partnership with Informal (sometimes underground) Visionary Leaders in the country / area. WARNING: It would be difficult to find one through formal channels.