Types of Selection Hardy Weinberg Speciation Prezygotic vs. Postzygotic Grab Bag
This is the only force creating genetic variation that consistently selects for adaptive traits. What is Natural Selection? 5
This is the type of selection that usually selects for individuals with the average form of a trait. What is stabilizing selection? 10
This is the type of selection that tends to eliminate one extreme in a range of phenotypes. 15 What is directional selection?
This is the type of selection that may eliminate intermediate phenotypes. What is disruptive selection? 20
The noticeable difference between male mallard ducks and female mallard ducks indicates that this type of selection is important to this species. 25 What is sexual selection?
A conditional requirement in maintaining Hardy-Weinberg Genetic equilibrium is that non of these can occur during the copying of DNA. 5 What are mutations?
This is the movement of individuals into a population; and it can disrupt Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. What is immigration? 10
This random change in the frequency of alleles has the greatest impact on small populations. What is a genetic drift? 15
This is the movement of genes from one population to another and it can effect genetic equilibrium. What is gene flow? 20
A female frog choosing a mate with the loudest “croak” is a violation of this conditional requirement for Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium. What is random mating? 25
This type of speciation occurs as a result of the geographic isolation of two populations. 5 W hat is allopatric speciation?
This type of speciation occurs as a result of the reproductive isolation of two populations. What is sympatric speciation? 10
This term describes the idea that species have evolved slowly over time. What is gradualism? 15
This is the biological definition of a species. What are members of a population that can mate and produce viable and fertile offspring? 20
This term describes the idea that species evolve at an irregular rate; i.e. short and rapid bursts. What is punctuated equilibrium? 25
What is prezygotic isolation? 5 The mating seasons of two types of skunks occur during different seasons.
Offspring of two individuals of interbreeding species die early. What is postzygotic isolation? 10
A mule, a hybrid produced from a horse and a donkey is sterile and cannot produce offspring of his own. What is the postzygotic isolation? 15
Two species of birds have different courtship rituals. What is prezygotic isolation? 20
Sperm cells from one sponge species cannot fertilize the eggs from another. What is prezygotic isolation? 25
The study of evolution from a genetic point of view is known by this name. What is population Genetics? 5
These are alternative versions of a gene. What are alleles? 10
This is the total genetic information available in a population. What is the gene pool? 15
The population of California condors is currently rebounding from 12 individuals. The population will be genetically similar as a result of this. What is the bottle neck effect? 20
These are the first names of Hardy and Weinberg. What is Godfrey Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg? 25