RF Power Amplifier Design and Testing By: Jonathan Lipski and Brandon Larison Advisor: Dr. Shastry
Why is this important? “Wherever there are wireless communications, there are transmitters, and wherever there are transmitters, there are RF power amplifiers” -Steve Cripps “Wherever there are wireless communications, there are transmitters, and wherever there are transmitters, there are RF power amplifiers” -Steve Cripps
Presentation Overview Project Goals Project Goals Power Amplifier Overview Power Amplifier Overview Branch-Line Coupler Branch-Line Coupler ADS Models ADS Models Simulation Results Simulation Results Final Results Final Results Concluding Remarks Concluding Remarks Questions Questions
Project Goals Building of Power Amplifier Module using:Building of Power Amplifier Module using: Commercially Available Power Amplifier Chip Commercially Available Power Amplifier Chip Power Splitter/Combiner designed from scratch Power Splitter/Combiner designed from scratch WiFi application ( GHz)WiFi application ( GHz) Output Power = 100mWOutput Power = 100mW
RFMD RF5622 Power Amplifier Input/Output Matching Input/Output Matching DC Bias Circuits DC Bias Circuits
RF5622 Power Amplifier Layout
Power Amplifier Module
Power Splitters/Combiners Why use them? Why use them? Same gainSame gain Higher powerHigher power Branch Line vs. Wilkinson Branch Line vs. Wilkinson Extra Resistor NeededExtra Resistor Needed
Branch Line Coupler Model
Branch Line Coupler Theory
Calculations Widths & Lengths Widths & Lengths MSTRIP.exeMSTRIP.exe Center Frequency and Characteristic ImpedanceCenter Frequency and Characteristic Impedance VT-42 Data Sheet (Micro Circuits)VT-42 Data Sheet (Micro Circuits) Height of substrate Height of substrate Dielectric Constant Dielectric Constant
First Iteration ADS Model: BLC
First Iteration ADS Results: BLC
Port Performance relative to Port 1
Return Losses
Phase Difference
Isolation Losses
Tuned ADS Model: BLC
Tuned ADS Model Results: BLC
Port Performance relative to Port 1
Return Losses
Phase Difference
Isolation Losses
ADS Layout: BLC
First Iteration ADS Model: PA Module
First Iteration ADS Results: PA Module
Port Performance relative to Port 1
Return Losses
Phase Difference
Isolation Losses
Tuned ADS Model: PA Module
Tuned ADS Results: PA Module
Port Performance relative to Port 1
Return Losses
Phase Difference
Isolation Losses
ADS Layout: PA Module
ADS Layout: PA Chip
PA Module
Testing Procedure WiMAX WiMAX Instrumentation cannot handle the power levels we’ll be usingInstrumentation cannot handle the power levels we’ll be using WiFi WiFi Requires much less powerRequires much less power
Testing Procedure Network Analyzer Network Analyzer Measures Return Losses, VSWR,Measures Return Losses, VSWR,S-Parameters Spectrum Analyzer Spectrum Analyzer Measures Output PowerMeasures Output Power
Final Results Board currently needs to be soldered Board currently needs to be soldered Testing will occur after Testing will occur after Results and Simulation comparisons will be documented in final report Results and Simulation comparisons will be documented in final report
Concluding Remarks Aspects we learned: Power Amplifier TheoryPower Amplifier Theory Power Divider/Combiner DesignPower Divider/Combiner Design Microstrip Line FabricationMicrostrip Line Fabrication
Concluding Remarks Recommendations for Future: Choose the design first, application secondChoose the design first, application second Estimate fabrication time, then double itEstimate fabrication time, then double it
References Cripps, Steve C. RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications. Boston: Artech House, Print. Cripps, Steve C. RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications. Boston: Artech House, Print. Gonzalez, Guillermo. " " Microwave Transistor Amplifiers: Analysis and Design. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, Print. Gonzalez, Guillermo. " " Microwave Transistor Amplifiers: Analysis and Design. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, Print. Grebennikov, Andrei. "Power Amplifier Design Fundamentals: More Notes from the Pages of History." High Frequency Electronics May 2010: Grebennikov, Andrei. "Power Amplifier Design Fundamentals: More Notes from the Pages of History." High Frequency Electronics May 2010: "High Power RF Amplifier." RF Power Amplifier | Powerful Amplification. Web. 25 Sept "High Power RF Amplifier." RF Power Amplifier | Powerful Amplification. Web. 25 Sept "RF Power Amplifier." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 25 Sept "RF Power Amplifier." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 25 Sept RFMD, comp. RF5622 Data Sheet. Greensboro, NC: RFMD, Print. RFMD, comp. RF5622 Data Sheet. Greensboro, NC: RFMD, Print.