No intermediate forms? This false claim reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of evolution. He doesn’t get it.
Evolution is Predictive Evolution predicts that transitional forms should appear as modified versions of pre-existing forms, not as a hybrid between members of existing groups.
Ancestor or relative? “Fossils may tell us many things, but one thing they can never disclose is whether they were ancestors of anything else.” Colin Patterson
Evolution is REAL Science Evolution makes numerous predictions about which intermediate forms should be found and when they should occur. These predictions are repeatedly confirmed by incredible new fossil discoveries. Maiacetus, February, 2009
Evolution of Frogs & Salamanders Evidence suggests that frogs and salamanders are more closely related to each other than to caecilians. Paleontologists predicted a common ancestor with intermediate traits.
Prediction Confirmed! Gerobatrachus had a unique mosaic of features in its teeth, ears, limbs, and backbone that suggest it was close to the origins of modern frogs and salamanders.
Turtles have a shell and no teeth, both unique traits. Paleontologists predicted that the oldest turtles should show evidence of these changes. Evolution of Turtles
Prediction Confirmed! Odontochelys, the oldest known turtle, had teeth and an incomplete shell.
Evolution of Snakes Evidence suggests that snakes are descended from limbed ancestors. Some snakes have vestigial hind limbs. Paleontologists predicted primitive fossil snakes with limbs.
PachyrhachisEupodophisNajash Prediction Confirmed!
Evolution of Bats Flight and echolocation make bats unique among mammals. The oldest known bats in the fossil record showed evidence of both abilities. Paleontologists predicted primitive bats with one ability, but not the other.
Prediction Confirmed! Onychonycteris is the most primitive known bat. –No evidence of echolocation –Short, broad wings with claws –Long hind legs and broad tail Flying evolved first, echolocation followed.
Evolution of Flatfish Adult flatfishes have asymmetrical skulls, with both eyes located on one side of the head. One eye actually “migrates” up and over the top of the head. Paleontologists predicted evidence of this transition in primitive flatfish.
Prediction Confirmed! Both Amphistium and Heteronectes had asymmetrical skulls with eyes still on opposite sides of the head. Each species is an intermediate form. Amphistium Heteronectes
Evolution of Sirenians Manatees and dugongs are fully aquatic mammals with flippers and no hind limbs. Paleontologists predicted primitive sirenians with hind limbs.
Prediction Confirmed! Pezosiren, the most primitive Sirenian in the fossil record, was fully capable of walking on land, yet also spent much of its time in the water.
Other Transitional Fossil Series Amphibians from lobe-finned fish. Mammals from reptiles. Birds from theropod dinosaurs. Whales from hoofed mammals. Horses from five-toed ancestors. Humans from bipedal apes.
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