Music in the Baroque Period. LOs: To develop my knowledge and understanding of music history; to identify characteristics aurally; to expand my knowledge.


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Presentation transcript:

Music in the Baroque Period

LOs: To develop my knowledge and understanding of music history; to identify characteristics aurally; to expand my knowledge and use of subject-specific vocabulary. The Baroque Period : (approx). From the birth of opera and oratorio to the death of J.S.Bach Baroque: derived from a Portugese word, barocco, meaning an irregularly-shaped pearl or piece of jewellery. Associated with the highly ornamented style of architecture and art of the 17 th century. Main composers: Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Corelli, Scarlatti, Monteverdi, Purcell, Rameau Patronage/Contexts

LOs: To develop my knowledge and understanding of music history; to identify characteristics aurally; to expand my knowledge and use of subject-specific vocabulary. Baroque Music: Key Features Ornamentation on melody parts Establishment of major and minor Keys The use of diatonic chords (I,II, IV, V, VI) Basso Continuo – continuous bass Textures – Monophonic/homophonic/polyphonic The Baroque Orchestra Terraced Dynamics

LOs: To develop my knowledge and understanding of music history; to identify characteristics aurally; to expand my knowledge and use of subject-specific vocabulary. Prominent Genres Concerto Concerto Grosso Trio Sonata Oratorio Opera Da Capo Aria

LOs: To develop my knowledge and understanding of music history; to identify characteristics aurally; to expand my knowledge and use of subject-specific vocabulary. Listening Examples 1.Corelli – Trio Sonata Op.1, No.4 2.Bach – Toccata and Fugue in D minor 3.Handel – Messiah 4.Monteverdi - Orfeo 5.Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No.5 6.Vivaldi – Four Seasons (Summer)

LOs: To develop my knowledge and understanding of music history; to identify characteristics aurally; to expand my knowledge and use of subject-specific vocabulary. In a nutshell… 1.Terraced dynamics (no gradation) 2.Repetition of short motifs 3.Fairly narrow harmony – mainly I and V. But suspensions, pedal notes, ornamentation and added chords ensure variation. 4.Contrapuntal texture (polyphony) – at the beginning of the period, a light, homophonic texture; polyphony then took over. 5.Ornamentation 6. Basso Continuo 7.One ‘affectation’ 8.Modes replaced by major-minor keys 9.Forms: binary, ternary, ritornello, rondo/rondeau, variations, ground bass (chaconne, passacaglia), fugue 10.Genres: opera, oratorio, chorale, suite, overture, cantata, concerto, concerto grosso, prelude, toccata 11.Viols replaced by violin family