ANF Overlay Multicast Working Group Activity Joonbok Lee Computer Science Dept., KAIST
Contents 1.APAN-KR overlay multicast working group 1.1 Overview 1.2 Goals 1.3 Member 2.Activities 2.1 Testbed 2.2 Digital Video Services 3.Digital Video Services Events 4.Next Phase 5. References
1. APAN-KR overlay multicast working group Motivation Motivation We had difficulty to watch multicast video sessions and experiment multicast research. We had difficulty to watch multicast video sessions and experiment multicast research. want to test their products. want to test their products. Started at October, Started at October, Overview
To experiment current overlay multicast technology and find practical/research issues. To experiment current overlay multicast technology and find practical/research issues. To build in overlay multicast testbed for multicast research experiments and services. To build in overlay multicast testbed for multicast research experiments and services. To explore applications which can be serviced on overlay multicast testbed and do experimental service. To explore applications which can be serviced on overlay multicast testbed and do experimental service. 1.2 Goals
1.3 Member 5 Universities and 1 Company 5 Universities and 1 Company KAIST KAIST Chungnam National University Chungnam National University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University K-JIST K-JIST Korea University Korea University More institutes will participate. More institutes will participate.
2. Activities Deployed overlay multicast testbed using Castbox™. Deployed overlay multicast testbed using Castbox™. Castbox Manager: KAIST (, K-JIST) Castbox Manager: KAIST (, K-JIST) Castbox Relay: KAIST, CNU, CHNU, K-JIST, Castbox Relay: KAIST, CNU, CHNU, K-JIST, Castbox Agent: any nodes which are connecting to the testbed. Castbox Agent: any nodes which are connecting to the testbed. Will expand it to all participants. Will expand it to all participants. Monitored by MRTG. Monitored by MRTG. 2.1 Overlay Multicast Testbed
CastBoxCombo (Relay+ Manager) CastBox Relay CastBox Relay CastBox Relay KAIST APAN Node Chonnam Univ. Chungnam Univ. KOREN Commodit y Internet Commodit y Internet CastBoxCombo (Relay+ Manager) K-JIST CastBox agent CastBox agent CastBox agent CastBox agent CastBox agent CastBox agent CastBox agent Deployed Testbed Monitor
Local multicas t Testbed Structure Local multicas t Castbox Relay Castbox Manager Castbox Relay Castbox Agent Castbox Relay
2.2 Digital Video Service Digital Video is a good application on the testbed. Digital Video is a good application on the testbed. Cooperate with APAN-KR digital video working group. Cooperate with APAN-KR digital video working group. WMT (Windows Media Technology) was used. WMT (Windows Media Technology) was used. 5 WMT encoders and 1 WMT stream server were set up. 5 WMT encoders and 1 WMT stream server were set up. 2 live streams are available. 2 live streams are available. 640X480, 30fps, 1.5Mbps 640X480, 30fps, 1.5Mbps As a source, popular channel (movie and sports) are used. As a source, popular channel (movie and sports) are used. 3 streams will be available soon. News, university lectures and conference netcast are considered as a candidate. 3 streams will be available soon. News, university lectures and conference netcast are considered as a candidate.
CastBoxCombo (Relay+ Manager) CastBox Relay CastBox Relay CastBox Relay KAIST APAN NODE Chonnam Univ. Chungnam Univ. KOREN Commodity Internet Commodity Internet CastBoxCombo (Relay+ Manager) K-JIST Encoder WMT Stream Server IPTV Server (?) WMT Encoder CastBox agent CastBox agent CastBox agent CastBox agent CastBox agent CastBox agent CastBox agent Digital Video Service on Testbed
3. Digital Video Service Events Test for massive number of users. Test for massive number of users Korea vs. Brazil A-Match football game broadcast Korea vs. Brazil A-Match football game broadcast Korean Presidential Election broadcast. ( TV debate, Counting of votes broadcast) Korean Presidential Election broadcast. ( TV debate, Counting of votes broadcast) Neulhui Korean folk dance team performance broadcast Neulhui Korean folk dance team performance broadcast.
Korea vs. Brazil A-Match football game broadcast 2 Streams 2 Streams 640 x 480, 30fps, 1.5Mbps 640 x 480, 30fps, 1.5Mbps 320 x 240, 30fps, 768Kbps 320 x 240, 30fps, 768Kbps Announce to KAIST sports news group and APAN-KR mailing lists. Announce to KAIST sports news group and APAN-KR mailing lists.
Korea vs. Brazil A-Match football game broadcast Totally 579 users Totally 579 users Maximum: 198 users Maximum: 198 users
Korea vs. Brazil A-Match football game broadcast : Traffic Measurement Traffic at Gateway. Traffic at Gateway. Max. 60Mbps Max. 60Mbps
4. Next Phase Testbed Testbed Make stable. Make stable. Need to upgrade WMT version 9. Need to upgrade WMT version 9. Support multicast research experiment. Support multicast research experiment. Currently castbox do not support APIs to apply to other applications. Currently castbox do not support APIs to apply to other applications. Make more sites to be participate. Make more sites to be participate. Expand to APAN. Expand to APAN. Digital video service Digital video service Test other video format (MPEG1/2, DVTS, … ). Test other video format (MPEG1/2, DVTS, … ). Support APAN-KR (or APAN) related workshop netcast. Support APAN-KR (or APAN) related workshop netcast.
Links Working Group Homepage Working Group Homepage Digital Video Service Homepage Digital Video Service Homepage Testbed Measurement Page Testbed Measurement Page