Panique au Village Un film de Stéphane Aubier et Vincent Patar
Gebeka Films : signed the project at a very early stage: signature of the mandates in April/May 2007 Financial Coproduction: € to recoup prioritarily on the international sales + France (theatrica, video, TV) Distribution : MG = € for the theatrical rights with at least 80 prints
Main Strenghts A Tv show (20 episodes) broadcasted on Canal+ A very specific narrative and visual world 2 well known directors in the animation field Casting - Dubbing: Jeanne Balibar, Benoit Poelvoorde, Bouli Lanners…
WEAK POINTS The TV show is not very well known (it’s broadcasted on a pay TV channel) Shifting target : the movie targets adults as well as kids over 6years old
The Key dates « Salon du Cinéma » (Cinema trade show) in Paris in January 2009 = in search of the first partners Selection in Cannes – May 2009 : classification of the movie as a « film d’auteur » (arthouse movie) Selection in Annecy – June 2009 : recognition of the movie by the animation sector Release in Belgium on June Release in France on October
Cinema Trade Show in Paris ► January 09 How to win audiences: Exhibition for visitors Debate with the producers How to find partners : Meetings with potential partners
Official Selection► Cannes 2009 Audiences: - Distribution of tatooes in Cannes on the day of the screening - Happenings : Cowboy & Indien go for a walk in the streets of Cannes - Press meetings with the 2 directors and Jeanne Balibar (Direct radio & TV, press) - Cowboy & Indien arrive on a tractor on the red carpet
Official Selection► Cannes 2009 Professionals : - To build the notoriety of the film thanks to the Cannes selection : Media and head of sales are now aware of the movie - To determine the priority target of the movie : Midnight screening => the movie is more for adults! - Good feed back from the international and French press, which can be useful on the day of the release. Some journalists are not that into the movie but some really like it a lot => the distributor will rely on these ones.
Opening ► Annecy 2009 Opening screening of the Annecy Film Festival on June 8 and Premiere of the movie on June 9. Exhibition of figurines, accessories, photographies in Bonlieu
Release in Belgium ► June Common trailer France - Belgium Website + Facebook profile on line before The Cannes Elaboration of the poster and the press kit together with the international sales agent and the producer
First elements of the French release ► October Very competitite date; but we bet on the originality of the project. Around 100 prints We will use the fame of « Pic Pic & André » - a short films programm was released theartically a few years ago Parners : Le Mouv’ (groupe Radio France), Les Mutuelles étudiantes, Dupuis éditeur, L’Express… New partners to look for in the next few months
French release… Release Budget : around € with 100 prints = medium sized + release Target : Adults / Students. But we won’t neglect the kids => therefore we have chosed a release date during school holidays Arthouse sreens + multiplexes which screen arthouse movies, especially in big cities We will point out the « comedy » side of the movie as well as its uniqueness We will stir up the curiosity of the audience