Ryan, Roshan, Casey
We won it through a vicious game of Russian Roulette last week, Ryan’s beloved brother John was lost in the event We decided to keep the business because we wanted to provide quality and fun services and have the ability to stop playing Russian Roulette. We are continuing the growth of the company.
CEO – Ryan Davis CFO – Roshan Bogati CTO – Casey Nelson Guy in funny clown outfit – We don’t know yet
We sell specialty made Dirt Bike Tricycles. After the death of John, we’re not entirely sure how to make them. After all, we’re Business Majors, not WyoTechers. We’re currently hired 50 WyoTechers to fill his spot. We focus on innovating each tricycle to have an increase in quality and safety.
Tricycle lessons: Ages 2-7 Weekend Competitions Age 8-12 Stunt shows: Age 18+ Tricycle wash: Local cheerleaders (18+) Russian roulette lessons by appointment
FAQ on Dirt Trikes Officiated by a chimpanze Online ordering Parts Entire trike The FAQ chimp Online lessons For the socially awkward badass
Custom design work “How to get your husband off his trike, and back in bed” blog
Front desk; two receptionists Back; 10 highly trained WyoTechers with wrenches Office; CEO, CFO, CTO Guy in clown suit; out front somewhere We know his mug is full of vodka, but we let it slide because we don’t pay him
Bike enthusiasts with kids Bike enthusiasts with balance issues Bike enthusiasts looking for something new People who like drunk clowns People who like Trike washes
Bike designers Those who are slightly confused about the trike industry
Local Radio: commercials TV: commercials Mainly containing the FAQ chimp Product placement in next Die Hard movie: self explanatory Pop-ups: make sure they’re not cheesy/annoying Facebook ads: same idea as pop-ups Full page ad in Russian Roulette Quarterly
Discount coupons in local paper: 15% off engine maintenance Give the clown fliers and have him run all over town: make sure he doesn’t drive white van, or have candy Offer high-quality, nicotine laced lollipops in store: offer to everyone Ads on reddit.com
Dr. Ryan Michael Davis, PhD Agent Ryan Davis, DEA Dr. Roshan Bogati, PhD Laudon, K. and Laudon, J. (2012). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. New Jersey: Pearson Education Ms. Casey Nelson, KGB