ASSH Overview and Scrutiny Panel 30 th July 2008 Transforming Social Care – The Change Agenda.


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Presentation transcript:

ASSH Overview and Scrutiny Panel 30 th July 2008 Transforming Social Care – The Change Agenda

Context By 2025, a quarter of the entire adult population will be over 65 Projected % of England's adult population aged 65 and over “ There are now 17 million baby boomers marching towards retirement with a high set of demands and a clear expectation of what they want in retirement…” (Age Concern 2004) And expectations of public services will rise We are living longer. But are we living healthier lives?

 Reform Strategy for the long-term funding for people in need of care and support (October 2007) HM Treasury announced a Green Paper “which will identify the scale of the challenge, key issues and options for reform.” Target date Spring Later changed in February 2008 when it was announced that there would be a public engagement process leading to the Green Paper.  CSCI – Review of Eligibility Criteria (April 2008) “We are to make recommendations on how the system could be changed to meet the Government’s vision of more personalised Social Care Services.” Consultation runs from April to 9 th May 2008 to report to Minister 15 th September  The Case for Change – Why England needs a new care and support system. Department of Health leading Consultation Process May – November 2008.

 Fair Access to Care Services (FACS) 4 levels:Critical Substantial Moderate Low  For 2007/08 73% of local authorities to refuse care to everyone whose needs were not considered to be “substantial” 2006/0762% 2005/0654% Eligibility Criteria:-

 “Putting People First” a shared vision and commitment to the transformation of Adult Social Care – December 2007 Concordat, 6 Government Departments, LGA, ADASS, NHS, Independent Sector Providers, CSCI. “Every locality should seek to have a single community based support system … binding together Local Government, Primary Care, Public Health, Social Care and the wider issues of housing, employment, benefits, advice and education/training.”  Transforming Social Care Local Authority Circular 17 th January “A challenging agenda, which cannot be delivered by Social Care alone.”

Transformation Programme Establishes a collaborative approach between central and local government, the sector’s professional leadership, providers and the regulator Sets out shared aims and values to guide transformation of adult social care Followed in June 2008 by:- Dementia Strategy Carers Strategy

“Putting People First”  Improving information and advice  Early intervention and prevention  Personalisation of services and  Universal Services -Housing, Adult Education, Employment  Strategic Needs Assessment -Leading to strategic vision – Commissioning Strategies  User/Carer Empowerment -Developing user led organisations, engagement with users/carers. Social Care Reform Grant for North Somerset 2008/09£309k 2009/10£731k 2010/11£911k

Components of the Transformation Process – to be in place by March 2011  Integrated approach to working with the NHS and wider local government partners, strategic shift towards preventative model of care.  Commissioning strategy to stimulate development of high quality services.  Universal, joined up information and advice service. i.e. irrespective of eligibility for public funding.  A simple, straight forward personal budget system – most people eligible for support “should have a personal budget”.  Family members and carers to be involved as care partners/training for carers.  Advocacy and other systems to support people in exercising choice and control.

Progress in North Somerset Project Manager Adult Care Planning Manager Self Directed Support Project Worker Accountancy Lead Brokerage Manager IT Infrastructure - For appointment September Consultant started July month secondment June Self funders, Risk assessment, Carers. - X 2 - Appointed - Capital to be determined - PoPP Project – leading development of preventative services and clarifying unmet needs. - Transforming Social Care Project Board - Implementation Plan by End July Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and report on Older People almost complete. Commitments for ring fenced grant