GUIDE FOR HEALTHY LIVING Dr. Richard Visser, Minister of Health & Sports of Aruba
OVERWEIGHT IN ARUBA, 2012 OVERWEIGHT Child36% Adolescent42% Adult81%
End the Chaos Tackling the problem of overweight and obesity IS CRUCIAL Solution: Healthy Physical Activity and Balanced Nutrition Community Workplace School Livingenvironment of children
“Balanced Nutrition Ship” “Balanced Nutrition Ship” The five sails represent sailing through a Sea of Plenty, filled with sunshine, clean air, healthy food and physical activity on its journey toward a longer and healthier life. The size of each sail is correlated with the amount of food that should be consumed from the food group it represents.
Water (represented by a large blue sail on the Balanced Diet Ship) DRINK IT! Water is the principal component and most important element of every living organism, representing 50% or more of our total body weight.
Carbohydrates (represented by a Large Orange Sail on the Balanced Diet Ship) Foods containing carbohydrates are critical as they provide the energy we need to lead an active life style. No less than 85% from starch. Remaining 15% from simple or refined carbohydrates. Foods with high concentrations of simple or refined carbohydrates, should be consumed in very limited quantities. 60% or more total energy should come from Carbs.
Fruits and Vegetables (Represented by a Large Green Sail on the Balanced Diet Ship) Providing the necessities that protect an individual’s health and are active in the prevention of disease. Vitamins Minerals Antioxidant Nutrients Trace Elements Dietary Fiber
Proteins (Represented by a Medium Red Sail on the Balanced Diet ship) Proteins are needed most for cell multiplication and repair of body tissues, not for their use as an energy source as most consumers think.
Fats (represented by a small yellow sail on the Balanced Diet Ship) The most common in the human diet are triglycerides and cholesterol esters. Of the total energy received through the ingestion of fat: - 5 –10% should be in the form of saturated fats - 10% in the form of mono-saturated fats - - remaining 10% as poly-saturated fats. Of the total energy received through the ingestion of fat: - 5 –10% should be in the form of saturated fats - 10% in the form of mono-saturated fats - - remaining 10% as poly-saturated fats.
The guide promotes different types of Physical Activity Including bicycling, dancing, sports, walking, running, skating and much more with the role of FAMILY and FRIENDS!!! Recommending 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity per day
This instructional guide is designed to work together with a “Front of Label” colored “Front of Label” food labeling system – to guarantee change in the publics buying habits.
Aruba’s ‘Health Bus’ is screening for NCD's - emphasizing on overweight and obesity - focusing on health promotion and self-care - equipped with prevention actions for screening - using the new Social Media Medicine (e-Health) Drimpy Health on Wheels