Bill Barron Housing Support and Homelessness Scottish Government 15 May 2015
Demographic challenge More people living healthier lives, so greater proportion of older people in our population More older people living in single person households Financial restraints Reduction in overall public spending
5.3 Million Million 2032 Source: NRS 5.7 Million By 2032: 1 in 4 will be ,000 will be 90+
1 in 10 are lonely Increased likelihood of engaging in unhealthy behaviours More likely to use services Source: Victor, 2011 Age UK, 2010
Other Age-Linked Health Demands Dementia ↑ 46% of Population with LTC in 2012, ↑ from 41% in 2008 ← 50,000 Consultations in 2012/13, ↑ from 30,000 in 2006/07 (GP/GN) Source: MM (Lancet Paper) Source: SHeS (LTC) Source: ISD QOF (Dem)
People are supported to live well at home or in the community for as much time as they can They have a positive experience of health and social care when they need it “People, including those with disabilities or long term conditions or who are frail are able to live … independently and at home or in a homely setting in their community” (National Health & Wellbeing Outcome 2)
Why Care and Repair are well placed to deliver on health and social care integration Already involved in Health and Social Care Integration projects
Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 New Integration Authorities (‘Partnerships’) Strong emphasis on planning of services – to be built around the needs of the patients and service users Importance of localities Delegated functions Delegated budget
Ensuring housing organisations are involved in the decision making Housing representatives in strategic commissioning groups and localities Coordination between housing organisations Housing Contribution Statements
Housing functions that must be delegated Housing functions which may be delegated Innovating? Showing what can be done