SQ34 for Reading (Improving Comprehension & Recall) Kathleen High, M. Ed.
SQ3R S - Survey Q - Question R – Read R - Recite R – Review
Survey Survey the material to be read Read or scan the preface In the table of contents, see how the topics are organized Glance at study aids Get an idea of how you can best use the book Before you start reading, find a purpose for reading Apply the above points to each chapter Get an overview (by creating an outline*) of the chapter Look at the chapter objectives Create an Outline
Survey – (Outline) Understand the structure of what you are about to read. Study any chapter outline the textbook offers Headings in the text may serve as major and minor entries in your outline The amount of time you spend on this will vary based on the nature of the material
Question Determine what you want from an assignment. Turn chapter headings and subheadings into questions. If you can’t answer your questions, ask yourself if you understood the terms and concepts in the reading material or if you asked the right questions. Have fun with the technique – make questions playful or creative. Remember, the purpose of making up questions is to get your brain involved in the assignment. If you do not understand a concept, write specific questions about it.
READ Now, go through the chapter and read everything on the topic. Write down main ideas Write notes in the margins Answer your questions (from last step) Dialog with the author
RECITE Recite the Outline Outloud As yourself: What are my thoughts about the topic now? What have I learned? Can I restate the reading in summary form?
REVIEW Review main points Consolidate ideas Recite in your own words Look again at the Introduction, summary and headings