1 CA202 Spreadsheet Application Publishing Information on the Web Lecture # 15 Dammam Community College
2 Objectives In this chapter you will learn to: ✔ Save a workbook for the Web. ✔ Publish worksheets on the Web. ✔ Publish a PivotTable on the Web. ✔ Retrieve data from the Web using queries and Smart Tags. ✔ Import and export workbooks as structured XML data. ✔ Create, apply, and modify custom XML data maps.
3 Saving a Workbook for the Web One of the strengths of Excel 2003 is that you can save Excel workbooks as Web documents, allowing you and your colleagues to view workbooks over the Internet or a corporate intranet. When you publish an Excel workbook on the Web, you can allow users to interact with the worksheets.
4 Saving a Workbook for the Web File Save as Web Page… Choose Selection: Sheet Click Add Interactivity Click on Publish Selection: sheet will save Current sheet as web page
5 Publishing Worksheets on the Web Click on Change to add Title.
6 Publishing a PivotTable on the Web Once you have created a PivotTable, you can publish it on the Web by clicking any cell in the PivotTable and Clicking File Save as Web Page To publish just the worksheet with the PivotTable, select the Selection: Sheet option button, select the Add interactivity check box, and then click Publish to open the Publish as Web Page dialog box.
7 Publishing a PivotTable on the Web Type File name Pivot.htm Click on Selection: Sheet Click on Add Interactivity Click Publish to Publish as Web Page option
8 Publishing a PivotTable on the Web Type File name Pivot.htm Click on Selection: Sheet Click on Add Interactivity Click Publish to Publish as Web Page option
9 Publishing a PivotTable on the Web
10 Retrieving Data from the Web Excel makes creating a Web query easy by copying data directly from a Web page into Excel. If the data does not appear as you expect, use Paste Options Click on Paste option button and then clicking Create Refreshable Web Query and then click on New Web Query Paste option
11 Choose Arrow and click on Import Arrow
12 Acquiring Web Data with Smart Tags Another useful capability in Excel 2003 is that of bringing information from the Web that is related to the contents of a worksheet cell by using Smart Tags. First of all Turn on Smart Tags –Click Tools AutoCorrect Smart Tags –Click Label data with smart tag
13 Working with Structured Data The goal of XML is to be a universal language, allowing data to move freely from one application to another. Saving an Excel workbook as an XML document would allow another spreadsheet program to read the XML file To save an Excel document as an XML file –click File Save As –Choose the Save as type as XML Spreadsheet (*.xml)
14 Use Professional XML Data Capabilities If you work in an enterprise that exchanges data with other organizations in the form of purchase orders, parts data, financial data, or product catalogs, you can use XML to transfer the data regardless of the program used to create the data. At the heart of XML-based data interchange is the schema, which is a document that defines the structure of a set of XML files. Creating a schema, which in Excel is stored in a.xsd file, is beyond the scope of this book
15 Chapter 15 Key Points Saving a workbook as a Web-accessible HTML document is as easy as saving it as a regular Excel file, and opening a workbook saved for the Web is just as easy as opening any other Web page. Excel lets you add interactivity to workbooks and worksheets saved for the Web. You can even publish PivotTables! Use the AutoRepublish facility to update Excel files on the Web. Whenever the original workbook is changed, the edits will be written to the HTML version of the file. Web pages often contain useful data such as stock prices and sales figures. You can create a Web Query to download that data into an Excel worksheet. Smart Tags extend the basic capabilities of Excel, making it easy to create links to external data. XML is a terrific tool for making Excel data readable in many other programs, and for reading in data created in other programs. You can create custom XML data maps to facilitate electronic data interchange between you and your clients.