BTB Bussiness To Bussiness By Ramon Girbes Choque
I n t r o d u c t i o n. Our company is based by the following aspect: The editor, with the approval of the author, will be able to agree with Flareo Books about a promotion. Flareo Books promotion adds a 1/8 to remaining 7/8 of turnover of book. Really, Flareo Books obtains benefits with the promotion that we offer to editors in our web-page
O v e r v i e w Company’s (group’s) offer : - Information about where to buy your favorite books in the nearest place. - The possibility to read a 1 / 8 part of any work and in addition biographies, summaries, points of view and opinions about the texts. -The possibility to find easily all kind of books ( for instance collector comics and special editions). -writers become popular without an editor, -publishing the text the editor has an evidence of interest of readers and future revenues -And in addition we invite elderly people to integrate within new technologies. However our competitors don’t offer all this opportunities therefore we are going to get good results because all these offers are asks.
O b j e c t i v e s Segment of population we want to reach: Elderly people: they are our main customers, therefore we invite them to integrate within new technologies. Adults Young people: we want to make literature and the purchase of books closer to this segment by using internet. The % of it will be gained by following actions: Booklets Samples Presentations
M e t h o d s A series of questionnaires are used to find potential purchasers among old people, adults and young people market. Three proposed actions are tested on samples of target segments. Results are evaluated by decision making analysis or STP, or PLC. As far as segment of population we want to reach concerned, a good promotion dedicated to elderly people will make the achievement of great benefits.
R e s u l t s We will be able to get the results, by the questionnaires used in our web page. We will obtain a fixed affiliation through a good relation with our customers.
C o n c l u s i o n s Flareo books content is: -Flareo books offers a new method of getting information about books. -Any competitor may offer such an easy information about how to find information and about the purchase of books.